Clarke finishes the last stitch in my arm before letting the sleeve of my stupid borrowed shirt drop.

"There you go." She smiles. "It isn't perfect, but it'll do." I don't really care how it looks, as long as it keeps the blood in my body.

"Thank you." I tell her.

"Of course. If my mother ever gets to come down, I'll learn how to do it much better. Among other things." She chuckles. I nod.

"Alright, Bellamy, ready to go see Raven?" Clarke asks. Raven?

"Who's Raven?" I question. I thought I knew everyone here.

"She got here yesterday. She was Finn's girlfriend. Things... changed." Bellamy explains.

"They're still together!" Clarke blurts. Bellamy laughs once, which confuses me more. I decide to let it be, though, due to Clarke's obvious discomfort.

"Let's go figure out some radios." Bellamy says. Clarke follows him out, and I gather my things.

Finally, I can go back to my tent. Vivian is asleep, and Jasper is sleeping next to her. How cute.

Being as quiet as I can, I clean off my knives. It takes some time, because they've had time to dry more than usual. I sharpen them, too, because they're a little dull. I eat some seeds from a little pack Clarke gave me, and then I decide to get dressed. I brush my hair, letting it fall loose today.

I get up quietly and remove my jacket, leaving my bare arms to the freezing air.

"Who's shirt is that?" Viv whispers. I jump and look at her.

"Nobody's. Doesn't matter." I say, removing it fast to replace it with a red, long sleeved one that fits me better. My best friend does not drop the subject, but sits up and raises her eyebrows.

"It's Bellamy's. I want details." She tells me. I sigh. I knew people would assume the wrong things.

"There are none. He cleaned up this stupid cut and wouldn't let me leave, so I fell asleep. He gave me a shirt so he could lift the sleeve while he bandaged me." I explain. "Then I woke up this morning, he took me to Clarke, and I got stitches. Now we're here."

She frowns.

"I thought you had... issues with him." She comments as I replace my pants with a pair that's almost the same. I nod.

"Yep. Like I said, he made me stay."

"Adri, I really think he cares about you." she tells me. I shake my head.

"I told you about what he did. He doesn't care." isn't that obvious?

"Dri, people say a lot of things that they don't mean." she shrugs.

I shake my head and finish changing, pulling socks and my boots on.

"I want details when I get back." I say. I gather everything and leave, heading straight into the woods. I need to hunt, even if I have an injured arm. The meat I caught yesterday has all been cooked, though not all of it has been eaten. Still, they will need more by the end of the day.

Bury the Hatchet (Bellamy Blake)Where stories live. Discover now