The next morning, Finn and Bellamy are both sleeping. Finn is leaning against me, my arms around him. Bellamy is still in his chair. I'm starting to get tired, but I don't care.

When Bellamy wakes up, he stretches and gets up. He glances at me, then leaves. Not for long, though. He comes back with two containers of water and hands one to me.

"Thanks." I mumble. He nods and sits back down. I take a sip, and it helps to wake me up a little. It also soothes my dry throat.

"Have you eaten?"

"Last night." I reply.

"More than a few bites, Adrian." He sighs. I shake my head.

"Not hungry."

Finn's eyes flutter and he sits up. His fists run along his eyes before he looks at me.

"Morning, beautiful." He greets.

"Morning." I chuckle.

"Did you sleep at all?" His thumb runs under my eyes.

"No, but I'm alright."

I give him some of my water. Looking around, I sigh. I'm starting to think I need a small break from this place, maybe for just an hour or two. If I don't take one, I'm going to fall asleep or something. Just as I'm thinking that, Bellamy clears his throat.

"I'm going to ask Murphy and Jasper to hunt. And Vivian, and Miller." He announces.

"I'll go." I volunteer.

The two of them look at me like I'm insane.

"I need a break." I explain. They nod as I stand up and stretch.

"I'm coming with." Bellamy tells me. I roll my eyes.

"I don't need a babysitter." I snap.

"I know! But if a few people are with you, you're safer. There's still the threat of grounders, you know."

"He's right. Plus, you haven't slept or anything. I'm going, too." Finn chimes in. I sigh and wrap an arm around his waist.

"I'm okay with you going." I tell him. He gives me a brief kiss.

"Murphy's coming, too." Bellamy informs me.

"He's fine, too." I shoot back.

"Quit being like that. I know you hate me, but I need to protect my people." Bellamy snaps.


"Rather you like it or not, you are one of my people. My protection applies to you, too." His voice is cold.

"Since when? Since you sent me out dozens of times alone?"

"Since always. The threat wasn't as big before." He argues.

"Quit trying to act all noble, Bellamy." I say.

"I'm coming no matter what you think or say." he crosses his arms.

"Great. Don't get yourself killed."

We walk out and I stop by my tent to get my knives. I give one to Finn. Bellamy and Murphy carry theirs with them, though Bellamy also has a gun. There are tons of people standing guard today. Because we have Bellamy with us, they don't stop to ask questions. They just open the gate.

"Why are we out here in a group?" Murphy asks.

"Because Bellamy's an arrogant asshole that needs to be in control of something at all times." I reply. Murphy chuckles and nods.

Bury the Hatchet (Bellamy Blake)Where stories live. Discover now