Vivian is the reason I wake up the next morning. She is shaking me and repeating my name. Based on the tone of her voice, she's been trying for quite some time. She's frustrated and tired.

"What?" I groan. Then the screaming from outside the tent registers.

"Clarke's at it again. But this is serious." She tells me. I climb out of bed and start pulling some jeans over my legs.

"I didn't kill Wells!" I hear Murphy exclaim. As I'm buttoning my pants, I look at Vivian.

"What's going on?"

"Clarke, or someone, found Murphy's knife by the place that Wells was killed."

"But that doesn't mean he did it!" I pull shoes on without untying them.

"Adri, we both know better. Nobody else took his knife and killed Wells." Vivian rolls her brown eyes.

"Plenty of people hated Wells." I hear Murphy reason from outside.

"We're surrounded by criminals." My voice is cold as I step outside. There's a crowd of people gathered around where Clarke and my only friend, besides Vivian, argue. Bellamy stands a few feet behind Clarke, his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Clarke! What the hell?" I demand, stepping towards the two. Someone holds my arm, while someone else blocks me from getting close. Since when did we all protect the princess?

A moment later, John is thrown to the ground. Kids are hitting him, kicking him, yelling at and insulting him. They're taking turns inflicting different measures of pain.

"Stop!" I yell.

"Shut up, Adrian." Someone sneers. I turn to say something and I see that it's Miller.

"Fuck off. What are you, Bellamy's little bitch?" I snap. Miller presses his lips together but says nothing.

When I direct my attention back to my friend, they're dragging him somewhere. I try to run with them, but I'm still being restrained. Bellamy moves over to us.

"Don't let her come." He nods towards me, and I clench my teeth together.

Bellamy walks off, and the boys holding me back look at me.

"Stay around this camp. If we see you there-"

I wait four seconds after they're out of sight to jog off. It isn't hard to locate the others; they're pretty noisy. When I arrive, Murphy has a rope around his neck and is standing on a support that I can't see. He's gagged, and his hands are bound behind his back. I growl and push my way through people to get closer. Bellamy and Clarke are at the front. Clarke is crying, and Bellamy just looks heartless like always. The kids around us are cheering. Murphy is trying to protest.

Finn comes a moment later, trying to help Clarke in the argument that they should not hang Murphy. I'm about to reach them and yell with the two when Bellamy kicks the support from under Murphy.

"No!" I scream, though you can't hear it. People are no longer letting me past. They're thrilled to see this. They're bloodthirsty and sick and biased. I hate them.

The three keep arguing, and I can't stop trying to squeeze my way through the crowd. They say things to me, but I'm too concentrated to hear it.

"No! Stop!" I yell at the top of my lungs, with no affect. Nobody can hear me except those in front of me.

"Why? He killed Wells. He deserves this. What, are you fucking him or something?" A girl snickers in front of me. I glare at her and, without thinking, spit into her face. She gasps and starts to yell. I use her distraction and what she provides those around her to push my way through. Now only a few people separate me from my goal.

Bury the Hatchet (Bellamy Blake)Where stories live. Discover now