the house party (part 1)

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Authors note: Hello! I wanted to clarify that the picture attached to each chapter will be who's perspective the chapter is in, unless it is stated otherwise! Alrighty, thank you! Enjoy! 😄


"Today's the big ol' day!" My father, Brian May, had clapped his hands together and slightly rubbed them as if they needed warmth.

I stood up from the island with my glass of orange juice in hand. "The house party for the BoRhap movie?" I smirked and sat up on the counter next to where he was standing.

"That indeed." He smiled and nodded. "It's been a pain in the ass, but we finally have a set in stone cast and begin shooting next week. We start off with Live Aid."

"Probably THE most iconic musical performance in music history." I nodded and took a drink.

"It'll be such a surreal moment, I can tell." I admired my dad. He's the purest human being alive. Period. No one can tell me different.

"Who's all going to be here?" I sat my glass in the sink and looked at him.

"The whole cast, crew, Roger, Bob Geldof was invited, umm..just people like that. I think we have enough booze." He motioned to a great stack of beer and all sorts of alcohol.

"Have fun with the party." I smiled.

"Aren't you attending?"

"I have to see if I can finish my designs."

"Ahh, I see." Dad cleared his throat, "You're more than welcome to come out of your cell upstairs and have a little fun tonight. The party starts at 7."

I laughed at him and went back upstairs to the studio room to work on my final designs for the movie. I've been trying to get a place on the BoRhap crew list, and finally did just that. I specifically told my dad I did not want his help and that I would like to do this on my own. This job was definitely a step up from waitressing.

I'm currently a graphic designer and makeup artist. I run a blog and a, fairly popular, Instagram for my works. Makeup wise. As long as I pay my bills, that's all I care about.

Around 6:30, I heard some people arrive, so I decided this is the perfect time to start getting ready. Maybe curls and a black dress? Straight hair and a red dress? Black dress, for sure.

I stood in the mirror and adjusted my dress accordingly before applying the last of my makeup

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I stood in the mirror and adjusted my dress accordingly before applying the last of my makeup. Red lipstick. After that, I was ready to join my father's house party.

Walking through the kitchen was a task, and greeting everyone was another. I grabbed a beer and went to find Roger. It had been awhile.

"What's up Santa." I bumped his arm on purpose.

"It's about time I saw you!" He smiled and gave me a side hug. "How've you been, kiddo?"

"I've been good." I smiled. "How've you been?"

it started with a house party - ben hardyWhere stories live. Discover now