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Ben tossed me a towel from the bathroom, and led me to his bedroom.

"Umm..I have a shirts and sweats here. The sweats have a string so you can tie it to make it tighter for you."

"Thank you." I smiled. "Are you going to change?"

"I have clothes in there dryer and a bathroom I can change in, I'm sure I can spare my bedroom for a few minutes."

I smiled and shut the door. I looked around. It was a little messy, he had a few awards on his shelves.

I don't want to say I got nosy, but I was intrigued. I looked at his photos on the wall and saw the BoRhap boys, him and Queen, a family picture, and a picture of him and a girl. It seemed like it was from a while back but still had me curious. I glanced at the door and lifted to picture from the wall. On the back of the picture it read "Me and my girlfriend 2017"

My heart sort of sunk as I put the photo back on his wall. This was the girl who cheated on him from what I understood.

"Hey Adeline? You dressed?"

"Yeah!" I called out.

Ben opened the door and his eyes traced to the photo which I was still looking at.

"She cheated on you?" I turned and ask.

"I thought I got rid of this." He yanked it off the wall and tossed it in the trash. "I'm sorry."

"Ben, was she the one who hurt you?"

"Yes." He slowly nodded.

"I'm sorry Benny..." I looked down before meeting his eyes.

"It's okay. She didn't deserve me anyways. I had too much to offer and she just wanted to use me to get whatever she could."

"I don't deserve you Ben."

"Yes you do. You're not toxic like her. You're much more understanding, caring, loving, and giving than her."

"How did you find out..if you don't mind me asking."

"She had the guy in the bed we shared." I took his hand in mine.

"I'm sorry.."

"Don't apologize. It's fine. She walked out with him. I packed all of my stuff, Joe helped me leave and get this place, and now I have an amazing girl who knows my pain and is incredible." He smiled down at me and place his hand on the left side of my jaw. "I can't help but fall head over heels for you. There's something about you."

I blushed. "I feel the same way."

"Really?!" Excitement poured all over his face.

"Really." I nodded and never broke eye contact with him.

"Sweet..I didn't expect that but..wow. Oh, and hey you look cute in my clothes." He smirked.

"Why thank you."

"Wanna go lay on the couch? I think Joe's in the kitchen." Ben held out his hand.

"I'd like that." I smiled and took his hand in mine.

I threw my hair up into a messy bun before sitting next to Ben. We cuddled up to each other on the couch for a little bit before a good scent filled the room. I glanced at Ben who noticed it too. "Umm..?" He gave me a confused look.

"I have a dinner for two?" Joe popped in, smiling.

"What did you do?" Ben got up and I stood next to him.

"I could tell your guys' dinner didn't go as planned from you getting home early and her being upset. I made you guys a nice Italian dinner. I'm making dessert right now." He wiped his hands on a towel.

it started with a house party - ben hardyWhere stories live. Discover now