a daydream away

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I shuffled in my seat, waiting to do an interview over BoRhap. My mind couldn't help but wonder into Adeline. She seemed to calm me down just by the thought of her.

B: hey, i miss you. And i love you.
A: i love and I miss you too Benny. Just think, tomorrow we'll finally be in Italy!
B: i just can't wait to be with you🥵
A: i have a surprise for you Benny boy🥰

That had my heart going 90 to nothing.

Finally, we went in for the interview.

"Welcome boys!"

"Thank you!" We all said at our own time.

"I have to ask, how was it working with Queen?"

"It was surreal." Rami started off. "We filmed Live Aid on the first day." Joe, Gwil, and myself groaned.

The guy interviewing us asked basic questions, then he got to more personal ones.

"Now, moving onto Ben. You are currently dating Brian May's daughter, Adeline, correct?"

"That I am." I smiled confidently at that.

"What's it like?"

"It's just like dating any other human really. No more or less. She's a person who I truly love and cherish. Adeline is a goddess."

"So you're saying dating her is just like dating the next one in line?"

"No..? I'm saying all because she's Brian May's daughter, it doesn't make her any less or more human. And there will be no next one in line."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because I love Adeline with all of my being and I'd give up anything and everything to be with this woman. She's fantastic and incredible. She's so independent and a boss with anything she does."

"Almost 50% of all marriages do end in divorce."

"Can I please be excused?" I looked past the cameraman and at our crew. They all nodded. I got up, handed them my mic box, and went to my dressing room alone.

"Cmon cmon, please pick up.." I immediately rang Adeline.

"Hello Benny!" She sounded cheery.

"Hey babe.." I sighed of relief.

"What's wrong? You sound stressed." I heard her clear her throat.

"I'm at the interview."

"What's going on?"

"They asked me about us basically. The interviewer made it sound like since you're Brian May's daughter, you should get some sort of special treatment. I told them it's not like that. It's just like dating another human. I told them you're human and I truly love you and cherish you. This asshole then twisted my words to make it sound like you're just like dating any girl on the street. And you're not. Then he proceeded to say next in line, and my first thought was there will be no other, so I told him that. He clapped back with 50% of marriages end in divorce and I asked to just leave the interview." I took a deep breath. "You are the girl of my dreams and they're going to twist my words, and make me sound like the bad guy. I already know it. I wanted to tell you what happened before anything gets out."

"I'm sorry Benny. You shouldn't have to go through that. I love you and I cherish you too. Thank you for telling me what happened today. I wonder what they're talking about now."

"Probably about how I'm a douche for leaving when I did it because I know how angry and defensive I get."

"You did the right thing. I'm going to let my dad and Roger know what happened since I'm over here with them."

"Thank you babe."

"You're welcome. So what's going on now?"

"I'm just in my dressing room, cooling down."

"That's good."

"Yeah, and I miss you."

"I miss you too. But I'll see you in the morning when we go to the airport." I could tell she was smiling.

"I wish I could see that smile you have on your face."


"And I know you're blushing."

"You know me better than anyone else in all honesty."

"What can I say?" There was a pause. "So what's this surprise?"

"You'll see."

"This sounds cheeky."

"Shut up." Her laugh brought happiness to me instantly.

"Ahh! So it is! When will I get to see it?"

"You caaaan come over tonight if you really want to."

"Hmm I want to."

"Sounds like a date."

"Sounds like it. I'll see you tonight, my love."

"See you then gorgeous."

With that, I hung up and sat down on my couch.

The boys came in about ten minutes later. "Do you know that guy was soooo salty after you left?" Rami hounded me. "He was like well that was just rude, i was only asking questions."

"He's gonna make me look like the bad guy for saying Adeline doesn't need special treatment by anyone all because she's Brian's kid. She's human and I love her just like you love your girlfriend, Gwil. And you too Rami. And just like you love...cardboard me, Joe."

"That guy tried to get into my love life too." Gwil admitted. "Told him it's strictly business. I will talk about my love life when I want to. Not when forced."

"What have you been doing since you left?" Joe asked while sitting on the arm of the couch.

"Called Adeline and told her everything that happened so she wouldn't think that I'm a shit boyfriend."

"She'd never believe what the tabloids say about you anyways. She'd always ask you upfront about things."

"She knows exactly how they can be." I nodded looking straight ahead.

We wrapped up our day, and I drove home to change. I put on sweats and a tshirt.

B: did you want me to come over love?
A: if you'd like to 😊
B: i just want to know what the surprise is
A: it's something that I don't normally do for anyone
B: oooo I'm gonna have to see this

And with that, I headed to Adeline's house.

"You're a fucking goddess." I groaned as soon as I saw her.

Let's just say it was a damn good night.

it started with a house party - ben hardyWhere stories live. Discover now