Chapter 2

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🌻 Kataleya 🌻

School was finally over with. Thank God cause Tuesdays gets on my nerves. Even though I'm with Teagan and Sandra, I still get tired of school. I'm sorry for saying this but they make my day a bit worst.

"Leya you driving"Sandra mumble. She's still a bit upset that her father ain't coming home tonight. I grab the keys from Sandra and unlock the car. I placed my bag in the backseat of the car and close it.

"Allergic face"I heard someone say. I turn around seeing pookie with Cody behind him. "Cody said he wants to holla at you, not Sandra"

"You know what, don't even worrying about it. Pookie take your wanna be black friend away from me"I said with a smile. He really piss me off when he calls me allergic face. He knows how I feel about that.

I hop in the car waiting for Teagan to stop talking to one of her friends.  Teagan is more popular then me and Sandra. The reason why she's our friend cause we look sexy sometimes and we helped Teagan ass back in 10th grade when some bitches wanted to fight her. So I helped her out cause I didn't like bullies.

Teagan is the same age as me. She's more funnier, outgoing, and richer then us. Her father left her mother when she was 17 so this happened last year. I think he passed away or left left. I'm not sure. But all I know is they asses became rich. Now her brother is my favorite. Even though I never seen him. I heard his voice one time on FaceTime with Teagan. He sounded so fine as hell. I don't know his age. And I don't care about his age. I just want to see him.

Sandra is younger then us. She's 17 and smart as hell like her momma. Sandra is in the student council. She wanted to aim for president but Teagan took it away from her. So both of them are in student council. I'm so proud of my best friends. Sandra is like quiet and shy. I wonder how she got into the student council if she don't talk that much. I guess she get that from her dad. Sandra don't have no siblings. She's the only child and doesn't get enough attention from her mother and father. That's why every day she's either mad or upset. No wonder she's turning to drugs for help.

And then there's me. Kataleya Harrison. I was born in Germany. Yes Germany. My dad was in the army and wanted my mom closer to him when she was pregnant with me. Her first child. My mom was from Atlanta while my dad was from New Orleans. I visit my dad side sometime but not all the time. My mom side doesn't want to see her or me. I don't know why but that's what she said. I'm the only child but my mother ain't like Sandra mother. My mom always want to know what I'm doing, where I'm at, and how I'm doing. She works at the hospital as a doctor. We ain't that rich. She still paying the IRS her debt. If only my father was here.

"Kataleya, you almost passed up my house"Teagan said laughing.

"I'm sorry, I was just......thinking"I said.

"About pookie"Teagan said. "Leya, leave pookie alone"

"Why you keep thinking that I'm thinking about pookie. No"I said with an attitude.

Teagan made a cat like sound then laugh. I shook my head at this girl and pull up to her house. Her mom was here but then another car also was here. "Is that your aunt?"Sandra ask.

"I don't know who this is"Teagan said. I open the back door grabbing my book bag. I close the driver door and back door still looking at the car. It was a nice Lexus.

"This my future car"Sandra said.

"If your mom can afford it"Teagan said.

"Who said my mom was gone pay for it?"Sandra ask.

"I'm just joking"Teagan chuckle. I patted Sandra back so she can calm down a bit. Sandra isn't scared of Teagan at all. It's Teagan who's scared of Sandra.

Teagan open the door then walked in. "Mom!"she yelled.

"In the kitchen!"her mom yelled back. We walk to the kitchen seeing her mother fixing dinner. "Hey girls, I didn't know y'all was coming over"Teagan mom said.

"Well Kataleya mom is working tonight so leya is scared of the house again"Teagan said.

"I'm not scared but I just don't want to be alone"I said.

"Well, how about we have movie night?"Teagan mom ask.

"I guess"Sandra said a bit sad.

"What's wrong Sandra?"Teagan mom ask.

"It's family issues"Sandra said.

"Come talk to me"Teagan mom walked out the kitchen with Sandra behind her.

"Ugh, Sandra needs to stop"Teagan said.

"Tea, she sad. You know how Sandra family is and she don't have no siblings"I said. "We all she have"

"You right. Come to my room"she left out the kitchen walking to the staircase. I followed her to her room but stop once I saw her brother room door open. "Trevante!!"Teagan ran in the room.

"Hey sissy"I heard his sexy ass voice. I bit my lip picturing what he look like. Better not be ugly.

"Trevante, this is my friend Kataleya"she look out the room at me. "Girl come on"she grabbed my hand. I look inside the room seeing how the light shine in the room. He turn around to me and lawd I almost died.

"So you must be the one Teagan been talking about"he lick his lips and smiled at me

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"So you must be the one Teagan been talking about"he lick his lips and smiled at me.

"So, you been talking about me?"I looked at Teagan.

"Nothing bad"Teagan chuckle.

"Anyways, it was nice meeting you.........."

"Kataleya, nice meeting you too"I smiled.

"Come on leya, you don't want to be in here cause it smell like fish"Teagan said.

"Yeah, la'trice just left"trevante laugh. Teagan shook her head and walked out the room. I followed right behind her.

I really want to see him again.

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