Chapter 41

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🌻Kataleya 🌻

"You still didn't tell me why you came back for me"I mumbled while laying my head on tre chest. We was sitting downstairs in the hospital lobby watching people pass by and kids running around.

"Pookie told me to come back"tre muttered. I look up at him confuse. Did he just say pookie?

"You and pookie friends now?"I ask.

"Nah. He just told me everything that's going on and told me to protect me"—"I dragged you into this mess"

"No you didn't. My mom did"I chuckle. "She the one who was in love with Arnold"I rolled my eyes.

"Probably still do"tre said. "Love is a strong word and very powerful"

"True"I mumbled. "Do you really love me?"Tre breathe in and out. If he don't want to answer, he don't have to. Why the hell I ask that?

"I do"he said. "I do love you and I can't stop loving you"

"Why do you love me?"I ask. He blinked his eyes a few times then wiped his lips.

"I love you because your you. Something about you I can't put my finger on"he said. "Your different from all the other girls"

"Heard it before tre"I got up from by his side walking to the bathroom that was down the hall. I open the stall door then lock it. After I use the bathroom, I washed my hands then dry them. I open the door to the bathroom to be greeted by tre muscular chest. "What are you doi...."

I felt tre hands on my face kissing my lips passionately. He locked the door to the bathroom then picked me up settling me down on the bathroom counter. I moan as he deepen the kiss and rub his hands on my chest.

"Tre....."I tried to talk but he wouldn't stop kissing me. "Trevante"I laughed.

"I'm not stopping"he mumble. I put my hands on his face looking into his eyes. "Kataleya I really love you. The first time I saw you it was like the angels was singing in my mind"

"Angels? Really"I chuckle.

"Leya this is serious. I want to start  life with you, I don't care what nobody say"tre said. "I'm sorry that I left you at first. I thought that by me leaving you alone then maybe Arnold would leave you alone as well"—"Please be with me till the end"

"Anything for you"I mumbled. He kissed my lips again till someone started banging on the bathroom door.

"That's our que to get the hell out of here"tre muttered. I chuckle grabbing his hand.

I hope this person won't think we was doing it in the hospital bathroom.

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