Chapter 25

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Yesterday was fun

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Yesterday was fun. I really enjoyed my time with Kataleya. But tonight, I really want to enjoy my time with her. Not sexual. But fun time. Like go to the fair or movies. Something she like.

Kataleya is so beautiful. Every hour I think of her. What she doing? What she wearing? Is she thinking of me? Do she even like me? Not like but love. Nah. Love is a big ass word. She just likes me as a friend. A best friend.

"Tre!!"I jump once I heard my sister yelled my name. She had her hands on her hips while looking at my clothes on the bed. "Where you going?"she ask.

"Nun of your beeswax"I spoke while smiling to myself. I use to love saying that to my sister when we was little.

"Shut up and just tell me"Teagan walked in my room and sat down on the bed. "Is it that hoe from k-mart?"






"Foot Locker"

"N......."I stood still and thought about the girl from foot locker. I already had her. Wasn't that good. "Not her. Already passed her to the homie"

"Such an idiot"Teagan rolled her eyes. "We could of had some free shoes"

"Who is we?"I looked at her.

"Me and my baby. You forgot that I'm pregnant"Teagan stated. I stop what I was doing and remember when my momma told me. It's sad that I'm having a nephew or niece now. And I don't have a kid yet.

"Mom told me that you was pregnant and I'm already seeing the changes"I pointed to her body.

Teagan rolled her eyes and let out a angrily groan. Her loud ass feet stomp out my room to her room I guess. Good thing she out my room now.


Me and Kataleya was having a good ass time at the fair carnival

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Me and Kataleya was having a good ass time at the fair carnival. Shiddd, I didn't know we had a fair down here. I thought that was until next week. But we here now.

"Having fun?"Kataleya asked. I smiled down at her as we walked around looking at the kids playing or riding on rides.

"Yeah. Fun being out the house"I smiled.

"I just noticed. You have the most beautiful smile"Kataleya giggled.

"And your giggles are very cute. Sound like a chipmunk"I joked.

"You for real? I sound like a chipmunk"Kataleya stop then gasp. "I can't believe you said that"

"A cute chipmunk then. Happy"I smiled.

"Okay that'll work"Kataleya grabbed my hand holding on tight.

As we played some games, ate some funnel cake and ride on rides, I was tired as fuck. But her ass wanted to have some more fun. "Pleeeaaaasssseeee, come on one more ride"Kataleya begged.

"Babe....."I stop myself once I heard babe. I just called her babe. "I mean Kataleya, we we......."

"No it's fine. I understand your tired and maybe we should relax for a bit"Kataleya grinned.

"Should of never gave you funnel cake"I shook my head.

"Speakin of that, can we have......"

"Hellllll no"I laugh. "You really have a sugar rush"

"You think I have a sugar rush?"Kataleya ask.

"Yes you do"I laughed. We sat still enjoying the beautiful lights.

"Pookie never took me here. Everybody at school would come here while me and pookie was at the ice cream parlor"she rolled her eyes.

"He probably didn't want to be near the crowd or show you off"I said. "I definitely want to show you off. You gorgeous"

"Thanks for bucking my head up"Kataleya moved her hair from her face.

I looked away from her for bit watching people pass by. But there was one person who I didn't want to see at all.


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