Chapter 44

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🌻Kataleya 🌻

"Oh my god! Ima puke!"I yelled out

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"Oh my god! Ima puke!"I yelled out. Tre was driving like crazy trying to chase Arnold ass. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that he is but can they at least do it safely. I been through enough.

"Start shooting at his ass!"tre yelled at Randy. Randy leaned out the car shooting the gun at Arnold car.

"Don't shoot at them! My mom in that car!"I semi yelled at Randy.

"Randy!! Shoot the tire!! And not the window!!" tre yelled. I held on to my seatbelt trying not to die.

We chased after Arnold for 15 minutes. 15 long fucking minutes! Arnold wasn't stopping at all even though he have a flat tire.

"Bust another tire randy"tre said. Randy aimed the gun at Arnold tires but stop once he heard police sirens behind us. "Shit!"tre semi yelled. Randy got back in the car and hid the gun.

"What we gone say?"randy ask.

"Just tell them the truth"I said.

"I don't like telling the police the truth but I guess"randy said. Tre pulled over to the side but the police passed us up chasing after Arnold. "Oh shit. Go nigga, they chasing him"Tre took off after the police following them.

Finally the police pulled Arnold over. "THIS IS THE POLICE!! TURN THE CAR AND DROP THE KEYS OUT THE WINDOW!!" The police yelled out.

"What if he don't do it?"I sniffle. "What if he kill my mom"I cried.

"Trust me he's not"tre hop out the car running towards Arnold car.

"Tre!!"I yelled hopping out the car. Randy grab my arm pulling me back. I watch as Tre pulled Arnold out the car fighting him. My mom hop out the car trying to stop them but the police was already there trying to stop them. "Mom!!"I ran towards her.

"Leya"she hugged me. "What the hell are you doing? You could of called the cops instead of chasing us"

"I thought he was gonna kill you"I sniffle.

"No. Arnold loves me...."

"If he loves you, why the hell he kidnap you!"I semi yelled.

"Cause he...."the police cut us off.

"Ma'am. Are you the one who made the call?"the officer ask.

"......yes I did. I couldn't talk to y'all while he was driving cause I didn't want to spook him or get myself killed"my mom said while holding on to her side. "I need to go somewhere and lay down"

"We need to get her to the hospital"another officer said.

"Wait. Where's tre?"I ask them.

"They're taking him to the police station"the officer said.

"No wait! You can't take him to jail!"I semi yelled.

"Look, go with your mommy and don't worry about him"the officer said. I turn my head towards randy who hop back in the car.

"Come on Leya. Let's go"my mom pulled me with her to the ambulance truck. I didn't want to leave. I know tre was going to jail but I didn't want to leave his side.

Damn today was messed up.

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