Chapter 7

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🌻 Kataleya 🌻

School was almost done with. I'm so happy cause today is Thursday. Friday Jr. I need a break from school and society. But I forgot, I have work Saturday. I rolled my eyes just thinking about Starbucks. The people are all bougie. I hate bougie people. Well not hate but you know what I mean.

"What you think?"Sandra showed me a picture of this cute outfit.

"What you want me think?"I ask.

"I'm wearing this at the party Saturday night. You still coming right?"Sandra ask.

"I don't think so. I have work"I sigh.

"Please come"Sandra mumble. "I might have to kill somebody"she rolled her eyes and look at the girls on the track walking around. One of them was Teagan.

"Why you don't like Teagan? She's our girl"I ask.

"Fuck Teagan"Sandra said.

"Why you say that?"I laugh.

"This bitch is just ughhhh. She using us leya"Sandra said.

"I know Sandra, but think about what her mom did for you. Even though she don't do anything, her mom still loves us"I said.

"Okay fine. Only for her mom, not her"Sandra said. Finally PE was over. Once PE is over, it's time to go home. I went to the locker room so I can get dress back in my outfit.

"What you gone tell Sandra? You said you was riding with her"one of the girls said.

"But I'm not. Probably back home but I'm not riding with her. She's lame"is that Teagan?

"What about allergic face?"the girl ask while laughing.

"She ain't going cause she have work"Teagan said. "And then her mother works as a fucking doctor and she act like she don't have no money"

I really wanted to say something till Sandra walked in. I walked in right behind her looking at Teagan. "Sandra I'm riding with you home"Teagan said while applying her makeup.

"Might want to call your brother cause I have other things to do across town"Sandra said grabbing her bag.

"Where you going?"Teagan ask.

Sandra looked at me with a pleading face. Why she scared of Teagan but talked behind her back like she was gone do something.

"Sandra have to meet her dad"I said.

"How you know?"Teagan ask.

"She told me"I said.

Teagan nod her head and look back at her friend. "You can go Sandra. How Kataleya gone get home?"

"Pookie is bringing me home"I said.

"Is you and pookie still together?"the girl ask.

"No"I shook my head no.

"So why you with him if he's with......"

"Shut up Kim"Teagan said. "Okay fine. I guess I might have to call my brother"

"Okay"Sandra walked to the locker room. I grabbed my bag and walk out the locker room. I made my way to the parking lot seeing pookie with his friends.

"You ready?"I ask him.

"Ready for what?"he looked at me confuse.

"You said you was gone take me home today. What happen to that?"I folded my arms at him.

"I ummmmm"he stop and look at the gym. I look back and seen Teagan with her new little friend.

"You know what, I'ma just catch the bus home"I walked away from him and his friends.

"Kataleya!"pookie yelled out my name. I rolled my eyes making my way to the bus stop. I sat down while waiting for the bus to come which ain't gone come till the next hour or 30 minutes.

What made me think that pookie was gone ever take me home? Why I keep going to him like for comfort and to talk too? Maybe cause we still have that connection. I waited and waited for the bus to come till this car pulled up next to me. Who is this? The window roll down revealing Teagan and her brother trevante.

"Get in"trevante said. It was only a two door car. Teagan open the door and push the seat back. She didn't say a damn thing to me. Teagan been acting real distance lately. I sat in the back and watch as trevante drove off from the bus stop. "I'ma drop you off first since you have a attitude"tre said.

"Why you so mad?"I ask chuckling.

"Nothing"she mumble.

I shook my head then laugh. This gone be a weird ride.

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