Chapter 11

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🌻 Kataleya 🌻

🌻 Kataleya 🌻

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2 weeks later

"Mom, you serious?"I followed my mom around the apartment like a puppy dog. She was leaving to work and staying at the hospital for 3 days. Friday, Saturday and Sunday and I'm coming back Monday morning.

"Leya. Just get some clothes for school and for the weekend"she said grabbing her purse and phone.

"I don't want to go by Teagan house. At least let me go by Sandra house"I whined.

"Sandra mother is really busy with work and doesn't want Sandra over there, so Sandra is going by Teagan"my mother said.

I frowned looking down at my feet. "I want my father"I sniffle.

"Kataleya, I don't want to hear it"she said. "You will have fun okay. I love you, and when I come back I will spend all of my time with you"she smiled.

"Promise?"I held out my pinky.

"Pinky promise"she smiled wrapping her pinky around mines. We both smiled at each other. "Now get your stuff"


Later (Teagan house)

"Heyyyy, please watch over her. My job is driving me crazy"my mother said.

"Oh I will"Teagan mother said. My mom walked out the house to the her car. I stared out the window watching her move quickly to her car. "Leya, do you want something to drink?"

"No ma'am"I smiled at her. All I want was my mother. I know I'm sounding like a baby but she is all I have.

A few hours later, Teagan came inside with Sandra. They had two pizza boxes and a large drink. "Where y'all been?"I ask.

"Pizza, duh"Teagan said then walked to the kitchen. Sandra sat next to me and sigh heavily.

"Mom busy?"I ask.

"Yeah"she nodded her head. "Yours too?"

"Yeah"I mumble. "I just wish my dad was here"

"Me too"Sandra frowned. "Once highschool is over, I'm leaving to Florida. You coming"

"Might as well"I smiled. "Get to meet fine ass dudes, drink till we pass out"I laugh.

"For real. I can't wait. We should start looking for an apartment now"Sandra said.

"Let's do that"we took off to the computer room. It was Teagan mother's office. She let us go in there to do homework.

I sat down in the chair watching Sandra look for an apartment in Florida. "Miami?"Sandra ask.

"Mmmmm, I guess. But think about it. Is Miami apartments more higher?"I ask.

"Your right"Sandra tap her chin. "I can ask my mom for the money"

"I'll try and ask my mom"I said.

As me and Sandra was on the computer looking for an apartment, trevante came walking in looking sexy as always.

As me and Sandra was on the computer looking for an apartment, trevante came walking in looking sexy as always

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"What y'all doing in here?"he ask.

Sandra looked at tre like he was a piece of snack. "Oh nothing"Sandra smiled.

"Sup shorty"he nodded his head towards me.

"Are you calling me a shorty? Cause I'm short"I said.

"If you was short I would of called you shrimpy"he chuckled. I shook my head at him and smiled at the computer.

"You can leave"Sandra said.

"This my house, you can't kick me out"he smiled walking around us. 

"Want me to go get your sister?"Sandra ask.

"I ain't scared of my sister"he laugh. "Y'all really think I'm scared of my little sister"

"Are you?"Sandra ask.

"Nah"trevante shook his head.

"SANDRA!! DO YOU WANT THIS PIZZA!!"I heard Teagan yelled out. Sandra got up from the chair and walked out leaving me and Tre by ourselves.

"I know who is scared of Teagan"trevante said.

"We ain't scared of her"I said with an attitude.

"What kind of friends are y'all?"trevante ask leaning over looking at me.

"It's hard to explain"I said.

"Explain it to me"he said.

"Teagan use to get in trouble with every girl at school. Always in fights until me ans Sandra decided to help her out. Ever since then, Teagan treated us different"I said. "We was friends then she turn into something different"

"Wow"trevante shook his head. "My sister didn't change up on y'all"

"She did. You don't know cause you been gone for a long time"I said.  "I don't think me and Sandra can deal with her anymore"

Trevante nodded his head then got up from the chair. Sandra came back in the office looking at both of us. "What y'all was talking about?"Sandra ask.

"Nun"trevante walked out the office.

"What y'all really was talking about? I know you feeling him"Sandra smiled.

"No. Not really"

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