Chapter 8

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👿 Trevante 😈

After dropping Teagan off home, I made my way with Kataleya in the back seat looking out the window. I look down in the rear view mirror at her breast that revealed a tattoo of a flower. It was a red cataleya orchid. It was pretty. I see why her name Kataleya.

I drove for 10 minutes passing up Kentwood. "uhhh, you know you passed up my place"Kataleya said.

"I know"I smirked.

"Yo dude. I don't really know you but....."I stop at the red light then look back at her.

"You hungry?"I ask. She look back at me giving me a weird look.

"Yeah but I'ma......."

"Okay then"I took off from the red light going down the street to my favorite restaurant. I loved that place. When I was a little boy, my father use to take me here with my other brother. Yeah, I have a half brother but he lives all the way in Michigan. Sometimes I visit him, Sometimes I don't.

"Trevante, I have to get home before my mom thinks I'm missing"Kataleya said.

"Call her"I said pulling up to Cathy diner. I park my car in the front and hop out. I push the seat back waiting for her to get out the car. "Come on"I motion her to get out.

She hop out slowly looking around at the diner. "Cathy's?"she ask with a disgusting look. "Ewww"

"What's so eww about it?"I closed my car door.

"Everything. They food, the inside of it, ane I heard they had rats making rat babies in there"she put her hands on her hips.

"So you rather want to go to McDonald's, get you a nasty burger then come in here and eat a nice meal"I said with a smile.

She thought about it while looking at her shoes. "Fine"she proceeded to the diner door opening it. We walked in being greeted by my favorite waitress, tri'nesha

"Hey tre, seems like your back"tri'nesha smiled.

"Where Cathy?"I ask.

"Business trip"she said. "This yo sister, cousin, step sis?"

"Nah, just a friend"I said. Tri'nesha nodded her head. She grab two menus then walk to a table close to the window. I sat down at the table waiting for Kataleya to sit down.

"Can I get y'all something to drink?"she ask.

"I want a Coke"I said. "No ice"

"Sprite"Kataleya said. "Ice"

Tri'nesha nodded her head  walking away from us. I turn my attention towards Kataleya who had her eyes on her phone.

"So uh, how was school?"I ask. She look up at me with a blank stare.

"Awesome"she said sarcastically.

"How awesome? What you did today?"I ask.

Kataleya looked around at the diner then sigh. "Nothing really"she said. "Just stressed out"


Finally tri'nesha gave us our drinks. I took the straw putting it in the cup and taking a sip of it. Kataleya did the same then look up at me.

"It's complicated. My ex is very complicated"Kataleya rolled her eyes.

"Don't mind me asking, but who yo ex?"

"His name is devontee but we call him pookie"Kataleya said.

Bingo. I know who to get now. Pookie ass don't know who he fucking with.

"Oh okay"I nod my head. "Why you keep running back to him if he's complicated?"

"Cause he was my first love. He runs back to me too so I guess he still wants me but I don't think I want him" Kataleya said. "What about you? You have a girl"

"Nah, I'm single"I smiled. "Not really looking for love"

"Why? Your a good looking guy, you should have a nice woman right by your side"Kataleya said.

I chuckled then took a sip of my drink. Tri'nesha came back ready for us to order.

After we order our food, we talked a bit more. She was smiling and laughing with me. I can tell she liked me cause she blushes every time I talk. Tri'nesha settle our food down and walked away from us.

As I was eating my fry, my phone went off. I look at the text from tri'nesha then look up at her. She pointed to window then turn her back to me. I look outside seeing my cousin Arnold with his gang.

"Damn"I mumble. Kataleya narrowed her eyebrows at me.

"What's wrong?"she ask.

"Nothing"I shook my head. "Continue eating"

Arnold gang made their way in with him following behind them. I put my head down and sat a piece of my fry. I can hear him talk to tri'nesha asking for Cathy.

"She not here"tri'nesha said. "She went on a business trip"

"Well, can I have something to eat then?"Arnold ask.

"Let me guess. I have to feed all of y'all"she said. "Come on"she looked at me and went the other way so Arnold won't see me.

It's not that I'm in trouble with him but this is his territory. My family is dead to him. So of course, he gone treat me like a nigga from the streets. Probably kill me and hurt Kataleya.

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