Chapter 23

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🌻Kataleya 🌻

I was in the bathroom doing my hair when my mom came in with a smile

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I was in the bathroom doing my hair when my mom came in with a smile. Why she smiling? I narrowed my eyebrows at her and chuckle.

"I see you finally getting out the house"she smiled. "With Sandra...."

"No. Not really"—"Sandra at work"I said.

"Ohhh, so it's just you and....."

"Trevante"I smiled. "Teagan brother"

"His ass?"my mom mumble. "Why though? He's not really your age"

"So what momma, I like him as a friend not boyfriend"I said.

"Mhmmm, yeah you like him"she smile. "Oh god. I remember my first date with your father"

"Momma this isn't a first date"I laugh.

"Sooo this is your second date"





"Mom no"I chuckle. "He wanted to see the team tonight and so do I"

"Mhmmm"she nodded her head. "Well I'm going to wait for him at the door like a pit bull waiting for the mail man"

"Really mom"I mumble.

Finally I was done with my hair. My outfit was poppin and my lips was glossin. I was feeling myself really. I walk to the living room seeing my mother talking to trevante. Why she didn't tell me he was here?

"Hey"I smiled.

"Ouuuu look at you. All sexy for your first date"this woman here.

"Mom, this is not a date. Damn"I laugh.

"Kind of is"tre said. I look at him like nigga. "Ready?"He ask.

"Yeah I guess"I said.

"Oh Leya, if you need any money...."trevante stop her.

"Oh no miss, I got her"tre smiled. I rolled my eyes and walk out the apartment with trevante behind me.


"Dammmnnnnnb"tre laugh at how the dude was knock down by the ref

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"Dammmnnnnnb"tre laugh at how the dude was knock down by the ref. It was really funny cause I was laughing too. "That nigga probably hurt"

"I don't think so. Bryan is pretty cocky"I said.

"Well then"he smiled.

The game was getting good. Our team was winning but our rivals was getting better every second. "We need another touchdown"I said while sipping my drink.

"Hope they make a TD. I don't want this team to win"tre said.

"I mean it's just a game"I said.

"I bet on this game with my friend"tre said. "$50 if my team win or if the team lose, I have to pay him $50"

"Wow, really"I shook my head. "Y'all couldn't bet like on a nfl team or basketball"

"We do that all the time. NFL, NBA, or even soccer. I love soccer"—"What about you?"

"I like NFL and only NFL"I said with a smile.

"Why?"he ask.

"Cause I like seeing men...."

"The men? That's why"he chuckle.

"No dumbass. I like seeing them tackle each other"I said. "Any more questions?"

Before he can answer, one of my classmate scored a touchdown. I know him, he was pookie best friend. "$50 in my pocket"tre smiled at me.


Ride Home

"You had fun?"tre ask

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"You had fun?"tre ask. I looked at him for a while then nodded my head. "You was screaming more then me"he laugh.

"I was excited"I said with a smile. "I really want to go to a nfl game"

"Yeah. Same"tre said. "My father never took me to a game before so going to a game with my favorite person is like. It makes me happy"

Wait. I'm his favorite person? "That's......."I couldn't say anything. I just kept quiet.

"What about you?"

"I never went to a game before in my life. Today was my first time"I said. "Sandra would promise me we'll go to a game but it never work out"

"Damn"—"I'm happy that I took you out tonight"

"When you said going to the game with your favorite person makes you happy, are you talking about me?"I ask.

"Yeah. You make me happy"tre said. "Every time I see you"

"Why? I'm not really your age, I'm still in high school, I don't like your sister, and I don't know....."

"Hey shhhhhh"tre cover my mouth. "I don't care about that. All I know is that I like you"is he serious right now? He likes me.

"You really do?"I ask.

"Of course I do. Kataleya, your gorgeous as fuck and I been felt that way when I first saw you"he said.

"On Snapchat"I said bluntly.

"No that was FaceTime"he said.

"Still kind of weird"I chuckle.

"Anyways, that's how I feel about you"he said. We finally pulled up to my apartment building. "What you doing tomorrow?"

"I don't know yet. I'll call you if I'm not doing anything"I said opening the car door. I felt tre hand on my shoulder. "What?"

"No kiss goodbye"he smiled. I shook my head at him.

I giggle. "Only on the cheek"I said.  He leaned in and kiss my cheek slowly. His lips felt so good on my skin. It was like I wanted more.

"Good night Kataleya"

"Night tre"

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