Chapter 14

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I woke up from my nap hearing my mom downstairs talking to someone

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I woke up from my nap hearing my mom downstairs talking to someone. It was like she was yelling at them or speaking angrily at them. I made my way to the staircase then down the stairs to the kitchen. It was just teagan and my mom. I looked at Teagan face seeing tears running down to her lips.

"What's going on?"I ask them. My mom looked at me and shook her head.

"Your sister got into a fight with Sandra"my mom mumble. "And Kataleya watched and didn't help"

"So. You ever thought about Teagan doing something wrong to them"I said grabbing a water out the fridge.

"Doing something wrong? She haven't did nothing wrong to them tre!"my mom yelled.

"Tea, who was the nigga with the dreads that was in your room the other day. Cause I saw him with your best friend Kataleya"I said trying to be petty. I know my sister. And I'm sorry for saying this but she's a hoe. Teagan loves to steal everybody man.

"Shut up tre!!"teagan yelled.

"See you guilty"I laugh.

"Is it true Teagan?"my mom ask.

"He don't love her anymore"teagan got up from the kitchen table and ran out the kitchen to her room.

"Why you had to say that?"my mom mumble.

"Cause you needed to know that your daughter was messing up relationships"I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket.

"Don't you do the same?"my mom ask.

"They come to me when they in a relationship. I don't go to them"I said. "Was you the same?"

"Shut up tre"my mom got up from the table walking out the kitchen. I looked at my phone seeing a yet from my boy saying he found the nigga.

Randy- I have that young nigga for you

Me- which one? What's his name?

Randy- the one with the dreads. The lil leader one. Pookie

Me- I'm on my way

This gone be his last time seeing Day light. This nigga bout to die.

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