Chapter 9

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🌻 Kataleya 🌻

I stared at tre as he looked behind me with a mean mug on his face. I turn around seeing some niggas eating and talking. Is that who he looking at? I just shrugged it off and continue eating. The food was alright.

"You almost done?"tre ask.

"What's wrong with you?"I ask.

"Are you almost done?"he ask again. I rolled my eyes at him and nod my head. He look back up at the men and then look at me. "Look, I want you to hurry up and leave. Go walk down the street so they won't see you"he said which made me drop my fry.

"Tre what's......."

"Go now!"he semi yelled. I hop up from my seat fixing my skirt then went to the door hearing the men catcalling me. I rolled my eyes walking away from Cathy's diner like tre told me.

I was so scared cause I wanted to be home in bed watching TV but nooooo. Instead I'm stuck out here waiting for trevante ass to get me. I wonder why he was mad when those men walked in. I shook it off and sat down on the bench. I look around trying to see if no one was around but it was only cars passing by till I seen a black Camaro with black rims and tinted windows. It stop directly next to me. The window rolled down showing pookie ugly ass.

"You serious?"I rolled my eyes at him.

"Need a ride home?"pookie smiled.

"No, I'm good"I said. "Leave me alone pookie like for real, it's over between me and you"

He sigh then looked at his phone. "look, I have to go. I tried to be nice to you"he took off in the car going at least 50 miles per hour on a 25 miles per hour road.

I slump down on the bench looking at my phone. My mom should be home by now. Sometimes I wish my father was with me or with us. Sometimes I wish I can just move away from Chicago.

Finally trevante car pulled up next to me. "Let's go"he said. I hurried and hop in the car. Trevante did U turn going back to my apartment.

"What happened?"I ask. Tre didn't say anything. He kept quiet the whole entire ride. I hate when people ignore me. I sigh heavily folding my arms. I look out the window till we finally made it to my apartment.

"Talk to you later or see you some other time"trevante said.

"Yeah whatever"I hop out the car slamming the door. I walk to my apartment door unlocking it. I walked in the apartment seeing all the lights off. I went to the table and seen a note from my mom.

Went back to work. Food is in the fridge if your hungry.

I shook my head and made my way to my room. Today was not my day.

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