Chapter 33

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😈Trevante 👿

Once I heard Arnold voice coming from the hallway, I hurried back to Kataleya apartment hallway. I saw the door close lightly. Shit. I ran to her door putting my ear to it.

"How'd you know where I live?"

"Welllll you see I'm a kingpin. I own half of Chicago and your little boyfriend tryna kill me for Chicago. He wants to be on top of the world and become kingpin as well"

"Tre ain't like that. He's too sweet for that"

"There some things you need to know about tre. Trevante ain't what you think he is"This motherfucker. "He was the one who tried to kill the guy name pookie"

"Wait. What?!"

"Yes. You see......"

I bust in the apartment scaring Kataleya. "Tre!!"she yelled.

"Get behind me!"I semi yelled. She ran behind me as I stared at Arnold who had this little smirk. "How the fuck you know where her apartment was at?!"

"Your little friend told me. Ricky right"Arnold smiled.

"His name randy not ricky and I know he didn't tell you. He solid"I spoke.

"What if I tell you he ain't that solid"Arnold smiled. This little smile of his. Working on my nerves. "Tre, that's the difference between me and you. Your not hard at all. You have a weak heart"he stepped a little closer towards me. I felt Kataleya hands on my arms pulling me back a bit.

"Arnold just leave my girl apartment now"I mumble.

"You mean your sister friend apartment. That's sick trevante"Arnold walked past me. "I'll be at the house visiting my other cousin"he giggled leaving out the apartment. Kataleya close the door softly then turn back to me.

"Who the fuck was he?!!"she yelled.

"He's my cousin"I mumble.

"Kingpin? Really Tre your tryna be kingpin!"

"Leya stop yelling at me!!"I yelled back. I sat down on the couch tryna figure out why would randy turn on me. That's my next stop.

"Can you just tell me everything"she sniffle. "I know half the shit about kingpins. I know I'm in trouble as well with your enemy...."I cut her off.

"You have to come with me"I stood up walking to the door.

"What about my mom? She can't come back here before they kill her as well"Kataleya said.

"I know. Tonight ima have to plead to him"something I don't wanna do. Bitch ass move.

"Tre I don't want you doing anything stupid. Anything that can get you killed"Kataleya rubbed my cheek.

"You still coming with me?"I ask.

"I have to stay here. My mom will be here in a little while and I don't wanna leave here and something bad happens here"Kataleya said. She's right. Arnold knows where Leya stays now.

But tonight, everything stops. Next stop for Arnold is the morgue.

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