Chapter 43

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I fell asleep on tre chest waiting for this guy to show up

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I fell asleep on tre chest waiting for this guy to show up. It's been an hour and he never did. Starting to think he knows our plan.

I got up from that hard ass couch going to the bathroom. After I use the bathroom, I walk out the room going to the snack machine. The hallways was quiet. Like no nurses no doctors was around. I walk to the nurse station seeing no one around.

"Hello?"I called out. Nobody answered. I rolled my eyes grabbing my snack from the snack machine. When I bend down to pick it up and raise back up, I felt a gun behind my head. I couldn't breathe. I didn't know what to do.

"Where ya momma at?"I heard a voice behind me. I couldn't speak. "Answer me"he push the gun lightly to my head.

"S-She's sleep"I stuttered. I felt my mom phone vibrate and made a noise in my back pocket. Shit.

"So it was you who was texting arnold" the man chuckle. "I knew something wasn't right"

"I just wanna know some answers...."

"Shut up! Don't speak to me"He semi yelled. "Walk to the room"he pushed me forcefully. I walk to the room with my hands up. When I walk in, I saw my mom hugging Arnold tightly.

"Mom?"I looked at her. She open her eyes looking at me.

"Leya"she smiled. "Arnold this is my daughter Kataleya"

"Where's trevante?"I ask Arnold.

"He's in perfectly good hands Kataleya. He alright"Arnold smiled.

"Sir, she told me it was her who texted you"the man yank the phone out my back pocket.

"My phone. Leya why you had my phone?"my mother ask.

"I wanted to find out some answers"I sniffle. "Why are you with him? Why you didn't tell me you was pregnant for him?! I thought you only had love for my dad!!"I started yelling.

"Aye. Watch your tone missy"Arnold said sticking his nasty ass finger at me.

"Nigga get your finger out my face!!"I yelled.

"Kataleya!! That's enough!!"my mother yelled at me.

"Mom you don't understand. Arnold trying to kill you for letting pookie live and taking the money. He ain't here to see about you"I said.

"Alright you know what, take her out of here. Let me talk to Keisha"Arnold said.

"Mom please!! Listen to me!!"I yelled out crying as the man pushed me out the room. "Arnold doesn't love you!!"

The man pushed me out the room down the hall. "Shut yo ass up before I do"he said. I sigh heavily folding my arms.

"Is he gone kill my mother?"I ask.

"I don't know yet"he shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you gonna kill me?"I ask.

"Depends if yo ass keep talking"he said. I just wanted to run off and protect my mother. Make sure she's safe. I don't want Arnold touching her. I don't care if they love each other. As I was standing still looking at the wall, I heard footsteps coming towards us. "Who is that?"he ask me.

"I don't know"I mumbled. He walk towards the man who was walking towards us. Who is that?

"Aye man, you gotta go somewhere else. We handling business"the man said. I watch as the other man step into the light.

"Tre"I smiled so hard. Tre took his gun and hit the guy with it knocking him out. I ran towards tre hugging him. "We have to get my mother"I ran back to the room seeing no one was in there. "Mo..."

"Shit. Arnold must of got her"tre grab my hand running towards the elevator.

"Where were you? When I got up, you was there"I said.

"Once you left out the room I got up and went to the bathroom. That's when I heard Arnold and his guy"tre said. "I heard Arnold taking your mother out the bed"

"You could of stopped them"I punched his chest.

"And get her kill. Hell no"he said. We exit out the elevator seeing Arnold and my mother walking to the entrance.

"Mom!!"I called out.

"Ley...."Arnold cover my mother mouth and started shooting towards me. I hid behind the wall covering my ears. Tre started shooting back at Arnold. "Let go of me!!!"

"Let's go!!"he yanked her out the door. We ran towards the door seeing them hopping in a car. Arnold shot at us again but miss. The car took off so quick, it almost hit someone.

"Mom!!!"I screamed. I started crying on the ground. Tre help me up from off the ground holding me.

"Come on. We have to chase them"tre open a car door. Randy hop out the driver side looking at tre and I. "Get in"

"What happened?!"

"I'll explain later"I hop in the back seat putting on my seatbelt.

"Hold on y'all"

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