Chapter 38

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I woke up hearing the sounds of someone talking in the kitchen

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I woke up hearing the sounds of someone talking in the kitchen. I remember I told randy don't drop me off at my mom's house. I didn't want to go back. I hate the fact that my family is taking Arnold side. They scared of him. But I'm not.

"Tre get yo ass up man"Randy came from the bedroom with no shirt on and boxers. I close my eyes not wanting to look at his nasty ass. "Why yo dumbass in the kitchen?"

"Randy shut up before I smack ya ass"his ole lady said. She walked out the kitchen going back to the room.

"Mmcht"he smacked his lips.

"You need to get rid of that bitch"I mumble loud enough for him to hear.

"Why you think that?"randy ask.

"Something fishy about her"I said. I got up from the couch looking at my phone. A couple text messages from Kataleya and Sandra. Teagan called me early this morning. What the fuck she want?

I hop up from the couch stretching my arms out. Randy was in the kitchen making coffee.

"What we doing today?"I ask randy

"Going to pookie place"Randy said.

"You sure about that?"—"It's weird how Pookie is all of sudden alive now...."

"It's not his fault tre. The doctors saved him"Randy said. "Come on, let's get you something to wear and see where the fuck this nigga at"


"This the house?"I ask randy.

"Hell yeah. Hella far from the streets"Randy said. "This the white neighborhood"

"How you know where the nigga stay?"I ask looking at randy suspensions.

"Dammmmnnnnnn you don't trust me...."

"I don't trust no one after what happened yesterday!"I semi yelled.

"I don't see why you still mad about it. You broke poor little Kataleya heart leaving her at the hospital probably to defend herself for now on"—"Arnold knows what she looks like and stay"

"They ain't going back to that apartment"I said.

"Where they gone go? Yo momma house where Arnold freely can go to and spend a night or day there"Randy said. "Now the reason why I know where pookie stay is because he called me and told me. He said he really want to talk to you about something"

"Talk to me?"

"Yes talk to you. Now let's go"randy hop out the car closing the door. I hop out the car watching the little boys and girls play on their bikes. Some of the parents was looking at us like we was strangers. Well we are.

Me and randy walked to the front door knocking on it. We waited for a few seconds till finally somebody answered the door. "Can I help you?"some lady ask.

"Hi. Is pookie home?"randy ask.

"Right here!"I heard this nigga yell out. We walked in seeing him on the couch watching a football game. He had his leg kicked up smiling ear to ear. "I can't believe you made it tre"

"I can't believe your still alive"I said sitting down.

"Wellllll thank your new girlfriend Leya mother for saving me"pookie said. Wait what?

"Kataleya mother saved you?"I ask. "Can't be"

"She did. Everyday she would checked on me and tell me about Leya and how happy she was. Not because she thought I was dead, because somebody was making her happy"pookie said.

"Why you worried about Leya?"I ask.

"I heard what happened yesterday at Kentwood projects. One of Arnold boys came there"pookie said.

"Yeah. Streets talk"I said.

"And news nigga"he giggle. "But for real though, how is Kataleya after all that happened?"

"He don't know, he broke up with her at the hospital"randy blurted out.

"You pussy man"pookie drunk his drink. "You left her cause it was too much?"

"I didn't want her to go through all that again. I know Arnold only wanted to hurt her so he can hurt me mentally"I said.

"Nah"pookie said. "Arnold didn't send his boy there for Leya. He sent his boy there for her mother, for saving me"


"Arnold paid Leya mother $10,000 cash to kill me in surgery when they tried to get the bullet out. She took the money and hid it somewhere and saved me"—"Once Arnold found out that I was still living, he started looking for Leya cause he knew she had a daughter. Word got out that one day Leya and Sandra beat up teagan and her friend. Her friend have a cousin name Gianna....."

"Wait. I know you ain't talkin about my Gianna"randy said.

"She have small tits and a big ass? Tattoo on her arm?"pookie ask.

"That's her"randy mumble.

"Welllll yo girl is a snitch. Gianna cousin been told Arnold and Gianna about Kataleya after the fight. I don't think Arnold knew that Leya was for Dr.Gibson till he saw a picture on her desk"

"How you know all this? Yo ass was half way dead"I said.

"Bruh I was alive but I couldn't see. I can still hear everything outside my room. I heard the nurses telling him to leave Dr.Gibson work area so that's how I knew he was looking at something"—"But anyways, one of y'all must of slip out Kataleya address and Gianna must of heard. Told Arnold"

"So Arnold and Gianna fucked"randy mumble.

"Nigga everybody fucked Gianna. She the Chicago hoe"—"even I fucked her"pookie laughed.

"I have to go"I stood up from the couch. "You stay down here till Arnold is dead"

"And who gone kill that nigga? He sneaky and have bunch of people working for him"pookie said.

"I know how to get him"

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