Chapter 3

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👿 Trevante 😈

I laid down in bed looking at the window seeing the tree swaying back and forth

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I laid down in bed looking at the window seeing the tree swaying back and forth. I kept thinking about home. Where I use to live. I use to stay in Atlanta but some niggas down there looking for me. So I came back home.

My name is trevante Rhodes. Of course y'all know who I am. I'm a black, sexy, and handsome 25 year old. Every woman wants me. But I'm looking for the right one. I don't want some broad who just wants me for my body and money.

I work at a factory then at night I work on the streets of Chicago. I tries to avoid different gangs. I know they coming after me cause I'm stealing their customers. I have everything they want. Herion, cocaine, weed, and even Molly. I don't sell my merchandise at my mom's house. Hell no. I sell it where nobody won't know except the customers. I been doing this since I was 16. I know how this shit work.

"Trevante!!"I heard my mother calling me. I sigh heavily not wanting to get out of bed. "Trevante come here!!"my mom yelled. I rolled my eyes and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

"Why you screaming?"I ask.

"I'ma need you to bring Kataleya home. Her mom just called for her"my mom said.

"Why can't Teagan do it?"i narrowed my eyebrows at her.

"Cause Teagan don't have driver license"my mom said. "Go"she pointed to the door. I smack my lips and grabs the keys. The girl was already at the door. She was looking down at her phone wiping her face.

"You ready?"I ask her.

"Y-Yeah"she nod her head. I open the door to the front door and walk to my Lexus. "So this your car?"

"Yeah. You like cars?"I ask her as I hop in the driver seat.

"Sometimes"she smiled a little. I backed out the drive way then mad my way down the street.

"Where you live?"I ask.

"On Kentwood"she said.

"The projects"I smiled.

"What's wrong with them?"she looked at me with a confuse look.

"Ain't nothing wrong with them. I'm just confuse that why y'all live there and yo momma work as a doctor"I said.

"She don't have the time of the day to look for a house. It's just me and her"

"At least live in a condo"I said.

"Why you don't live in a condo?"she ask me. I looked at her and roll my eyes. "That's what I thought"she mumble.

"Katy right?"

"It's Kataleya, but call me leya"she said.

"Okay, with the exotic name"I chuckled.

"My name isn't exotic"leya said lowly.

Finally I pulled up to Kentwood apartment's. They didn't look nice on the outside. "Want me to walk you......."

"I'm fine thanks"she slam my door and walk to her apartment building.

Something wrong with Teagan friends.

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