Chapter One: My Shooting Star..

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(I wanted to add an authors note into here. I wanted to thank someone who's been a BIG inspiration with writing this . My boyfriend, Kevin. I couldn't have been inspired to write this without you. Thank you for all that you do and for just being your amazing, wonderful, compassionate self. I love you! )It's been 5 years since everyone had left New Domino City. I had decided that I was going to go back to start a new life, but to also hopefully go back to find the one that I loved all those years ago. I still love him now... Yusei...
I had a picture of all of us from the dueling cup... him, Jack, Crow, Luna and Leo, and myself. I missed them all. In fact, I didn't know if I'd ever see any of them again. Yet, I think the mark of the crimson dragon may still lead us all together.
I packed from things all up from my apartment and had it shipped to my parents home in New Domino. Following, I shipped my duel runner there on a ship.
Will he still remember me after all this time? Will he feel the same way? Yusei...?
At the airport....
Now boarding... flight 62 to New Domino City!
That's my flight! I thought as I boarded the flight, after presenting my ticket. I sat down, fixing the ruffles to my skirt. I placed my doctors bag beside me in the empty seat. Surprisingly, no one was placed there before the flight was taking off.
Attention passengers! Please remain seated and fasten your seatbelts! We are now departing!
I looked out the window as the buildings became smaller and everything below was covered with clouds.
I sat back in my chair, thinking about how to tell Yusei my feelings for him. I was nervous of what he'd feel, or what he'd say. Would he possibly become distant from me if I told him how I felt? What would he say? What would he do?
A couple hours later, I had arrived. I was wondering if Yusei would be here. Turns out, I was right.
I walked into the terminal with my luggage and I saw him- waiting there for me with a grin on his face.
I ran over to him, overjoyed to see him. He still looked the same. His dark black hair, his blue eyes, his tall, well-built self. After all this time, he hasn't changed.
"Yusei... you haven't changed."
"Neither have you, Akiza." He patted my head gently and smiled softly.
I could feel the tears running down my cheeks.
Say it, Akiza!
"Yusei.. there's something I've been wanting to tell you for years.."
"And what is that?"
"Yusei... I love you..." He looked at me, softly and blushed with a smile. "Akiza..." He brought me close to him in a warm, tight embrace.
"I'm glad you've finally told me.."

Reunited: A Yusei and Akiza Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now