Chapter 18: Heart/ Game Over?

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"Y-Yusei!" I ran over to him, immediately picking up his unconscious body. I took absolutely no hesitation, and rushed him over to our car. Sitting him in the backseat, I sped out of our driveway, rushing him to the hospital. 

I called the hospital as well. "Dr. Fudo? What's wrong? You're normally not late to work!" Director Hyuga sounded worried on his end of the phone. "Director! It's my husband! He needs admitted!" 

"....Got it! Are you on your way to the ER?" 

"Yes sir, I'm almost there..." 

"I'll have a team ready, but Dr. Fudo...." 

"Don't work today. Stay by your husband's side, please." 

"Thank you sir for understanding." 

"Of course." 

Driving into the roundabout of the ER, Director Hyuga was already waiting outside with a team of Doctors and Nurses. 

I picked Yusei up, gently taking him to the stretcher that was out there waiting. 

Please be okay, Yusei.. I can't lose you. I don't want to lose you. 

I held his hand gently as we rushed in. 

"Dr. Fudo." Director Hyuga stopped me before heading in to the Trauma Bay. "Please, stay out here. I know you want to help, but, you need to stay out here. Today, you are the patient's family. You're off the clock for today, as you know." 

"Yes, I understand sir." 

He smiled. "We'll come get you after tests are run. All I can tell you is that his BP is elevated, he has a fever, and his neck muscles seem tense. You may have brought him here in the nick of time. However, we will find out here soon." He left back behind the double doors leading to the Trauma Bay, and I went to find an empty seat in the family waiting room. The waiting room was walls of eggshell white, decorated with portraits of flowers and animals on the walls. There was a television in the left corner, showing old Turbo Duels from 5 years ago as the new Turbo Cup was about to begin. 

Then, it was shown- just as I remembered it. Team 5D's... 

I haven't seen Luna and Leo for a while, but last time they had wrote us a letter, Luna was going to college, Leo was Turbo Dueling as a career along with Jack and Crow. Carly had recently become the editor of a Newspaper Company. 

Should I call Jack and let him know? He is Yusei's best friend after all... so is Crow..

I didn't hesitate once more, but picked up my phone to call Jack. 



-"Hello? Akiza? How are you?"


-"...You don't sound chipper as normal..."

-"Jack, you, Carly, and Crow might want to come to the hospital."

-"Why..?" He almost choked as he said that. 

-"Yusei's in the hospital, and is getting tests done. I'll explain everything if you guys are coming..."

-"IF?! THERE IS NO IF! I'll call Crow, and we will be on our way!" 

-"Just be careful, Jack." 

-"Of course. We're always going to be here for you guys like you were here for us. That's what friends do, they stick together!" 

-"Right. See you guys soon.."

Reunited: A Yusei and Akiza Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now