Extra Chapter(Real Life)

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To my other half, my best friend.. my everything;

I held black rose dragon close to me as I took my exams.
"My good luck charm.." 
It was something important to me. Something from my other half.
We often referred to each other as "my Akiza" And "my Yusei" because we both were similar to them. Yet, our love for one another grows stronger each day, I think.
I thought about it, smiling.
The late night phone calls and FaceTimes, the trips we've taken together... and most
Importantly, the time we've spent together so far is always worth while. I always enjoy your company, and I always look forward to the next time I will see you. It always makes me happy, knowing I'm yours. You've given me a reason to keep going, to keep striving for my goals. You've given me hope, to keep aiming for the top.
Also, hope for the future to come.
The past year and plus of time has been wonderful so far, and I don't want to stop anytime soon with what we have together. I want to always be here, right by your side. And maybe.. JUST maybe inspire you like you've inspired me to write this story.
I know I say it so much, but.. it's just because I love you and care for you so much that I always say these things to you. I always want you to know that I do love you, that I do care for you. I don't care what it takes, I will stop at nothing to always make you smile, everyday.
I want to be there, always.
Black Rose Dragon has been with me, where ever I go now. I treasure that, and many of the other things that you've gotten me over this past year. I think it's special, I think it's important, and that these things are from you, it's all the better.

You're always going to be, the sun to my moon, the moon my stars, and the endless galaxies that I find to be vast, endless, and beautiful.
Your smile always radiates the room, it makes me happy when you laugh. I always look forward to seeing you and hearing from you, and it makes me the happiest person in the world.
In fact, I'm just simply the happiest girl in the world, everyday... being yours.
Being your girlfriend is the best thing. And I love how close we are. How much laughter and smiles that there are between us.
It's amazing, of what love we have for one another, isn't it?

Thank you, and I love you, always.

Thank you for being my biggest inspiration, especially for this story and others I've done.

With all of my love to you,
Aura ☺️💕

Reunited: A Yusei and Akiza Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now