Chapter 9: En Formal

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A few weeks after Yusei was released from the hospital, he had said that he had wanted to take me somewhere nice for a "fancy date" as he had instilled. 

"Akiza, I need you to wear your fanciest dress that you can find. There's something I want to do with you."

The words reverbed at the back of my mind. 

What could he be thinking? I thought to myself as I prepared my hair. After doing so, I glanced through my closet, looking for a dress that was suitable for tonight. Then, I found it. My pink dress with purple overthrow shawl. 

This one! 

I put it on, then put a little bit of eyeliner and mascara on, followed by a clear coated lip gloss to shine my lips. I didn't want to go overboard with the makeup, for it may not look right with this dress. I was then ready just as the clock chimed 6pm. 

"Akiza, sweetie!" I heard my mother call from downstairs. "Coming!" 

I walked down, hearing my father and Yusei talking, and some laughs were heard. Yusei looked up, and I swore for an instant his jaw dropped. 


I blushed, turning my head slightly. 

He stood up, smiling and extending his hand. "You look absolutely radiant." 

I smiled, taking his hand. "Thank you, Yusei. I must say you look quite dashing tonight." 

He smiled,looking directly into my eyes. "Thank you. Well, shall we? I have a lot planned!" 

"Of course." 

"Have fun Akiza." Mom smiled. "Yusei told us of what he has planned for us and we couldn't be happier. Have fun you two!" 

"Planned?" I thought, blushing. I looked down at the ring on my finger. The ruby stone shone slightly in the moonlight. 

"You know why I chose a ruby for you?" Yusei looked over to me as we were walking to his duel runner. 

"No, why?" 

"Because, it matches your beauty. It matches your uniqueness. You, as a woman. Are beautiful, and such a treasure to me." 

My eyes went wide and I smiled, starting to tear up a little. "Yusei.." 

"However, tonight will be much better than the other day, I hope." 

He got onto his duel runner and helped me up onto it. "Let's go."


Now Approaching.. New Domino City's Scenic Outlook 

"He... remembered that I love scenic outlooks!" 

As soon as we got there, Yusei dashed off in the other direction. "I'll be back Akiza! Just go on ahead!" 

I tilted my head slightly. "What the..?"

Then, I looked down. 

"Rose petals?!" 

Then, I caught Jack and Carly standing across from one another. "Jack? Carly?"

"This is your first question."

"Question?! What the..?! What is this?"  I was slightly confused. Then I thought about it some more.  "Is this... the formal way that Yusei wanted to.." 

"What is Yusei's trump card?" 

"Stardust Dragon!" 

"I knew you'd get that no problem. Go on ahead Akiza." 

Reunited: A Yusei and Akiza Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now