Chapter 7: B r o k e n? (I will save you)

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A couple months later... the new dark signers were still in hiding...

I woke up  with my father bursting in the door. "Akiza! It's Yusei!" I immediately got up out of my bed. "What happened to Yusei?!"
"He's been in an accident on his duel runner!" My eyes went wide in shock. "What...?" 

"He's... alive, but.. we aren't sure if he's going to make it." Father looked down as mom came up to console him. They walked out of the room and I instantly got changed. 

"Yusei... Please fight it! I can't lose you. I don't want to lose you. You're my everything." 

I ran outside and hopped on my duel runner, headed off to the hospital. 


Jack, Carly, Crow, Leo, Luna, and Officer Trudge were inside. They were hoping Yusei would be okay. 

"Do you think he's going to be okay?" Jack sighed, looking down at the floor. "I don't want to lose my best friend. " 

"Me either.." Crow sunk down slightly. 

"Did anyone tell Akiza?" Luna looked up at Jack. 

"Yes, we called her. I'm sure she's on her way-" 

"WHERE IS HE?!" I popped in, immediately coming to the waiting room where the whole gang was. "O-Oh... Carly, Jack, Crow, Luna, Leo..." 

"He's in there.." Carly pointed to the door closest to the vending machines that were to her left. "He's in the operating room. From what the surgeon said, they're trying to do everything they can to save him." 

I took off my coat and headed to the operating room. "Akiza! Where are you going?!" 

"Easy. I'm going to save the man I love!" 


I headed inside and a bunch of nurses and surgeons in the room were flabbergasted. "What are you doing in here?! You can't be here!" 

"I'm a doctor! I'm Dr. Akiza Izinski!! Let me help! I want to save this man's life, please!" 

The surgeons looked at each other and nodded.  "He has trauma to the head, and a couple broke ribs. There's some internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity. According to MRI results, it's stomach bleeding. "

I scrubbed in, walking over to the operating table where Yusei laid. It was hurting my heart to see him like this. However, I was going to save him. 

If this ever happened, where you were faced with the love of your life on the operating table. What would you do? How would you act?

Easy. Don't break down. Don't lose yourself or your way. Save him/her. You're going to someday save countless more. But a big win for you is that you saved the love of your life. 

And.. I always will save you. While I sink down. While I scream and cry for someone to save me. That's what love is. Sacrificing your own, to save and protect for those you care so deeply about. 

Yusei.. I love you. And I'm going to save you. Because.. I can't imagine a world without you in it. I can't imagine a future without you. I want you in my life. I want to settle down with you, live with you, smile and laugh all the time with you. Because of you, I chose medicine. 


Hours later, I walked out of the operating room and came face to face with everyone. 

"How's he doing?"

I smiled softly, and looked at all of them. "I saved Yusei. He's going to the recovery room now. Give it about two hours, and.. " Tears fell down my face. "He will be fine. I can assure you that." 

Everyone was crying happy tears. I was happy. I saved someone's friend today. I saved my best friend today. My... everything. 

**When I am faced with the truth. The truth... is that I will do anything for you. I love you in so many words that I alone, can't even say. You inspire me to do this. You inspire me to keep going. I may have bad days, yes, and I'm sorry I don't always tell you about them. I don't want you to worry about how I may be. I want you to simply, love me as I am. To appreciate the small things I do for you. Which, I'm sure you do. I promise you, my heart, my soul, me. I promise you that I'll be the best I can be everyday. I will continue to love you with all of my heart. No matter what comes our way, I will be here- by your side. Because, without you- I will be lost. I won't know what to do. I won't know where to go. I feel with you that we can conquer anything, that we can do almost anything. I'm ready. For whatever may come our way. Our future. Together. I'm ready for it. I know it. I'm sure of it. I love you. And I'm so glad you're my biggest inspiration, my biggest treasure, and my one true love...** 

Reunited: A Yusei and Akiza Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now