Chapter 17: Ushio's First Day in Primary Duel Academy

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A couple of years later, Ushio had finally turned 5, and it was her first day for Primary School at the Duel Academy. She hadn't had a deck yet, so Yusei and I decided to give her a couple of our monsters since the Academy did at least provide students with a couple monsters. 

"Ushio.."  I turned to her, opening my box of things from our Team 5d's days. 

"Yes, Mommy?" She looked up at me with her sweet innocent blue eyes, a look to what Yusei sometimes gave me too. I smiled, getting down to her level. "Sweetheart, your daddy and I want to give you something that was really special to us. When we were younger, we used to be on a dueling team, and we had countless adventures together. That's where I fell in love with your daddy. He had a couple good synchro monsters, and I only had two." 


"Sweetheart, I want you to have my prized card, Black Rose Dragon." 

Yusei walked into the room, also kneeling down to Ushio's level. He held my free hand gently, and smiled at Ushio. "And I want you to have my Gravity Warrior. I will eventually give you Stardust Dragon, but I want to wait until you're older to get that card, okay?" Ushio began to tear up, and she hopped over to both of us, crying as she hugged us. "Momma! Daddy! Thank you!" 

Yusei smiled and he looked over at me, whispering. "Reminds me of you when we were on Team 5ds together." 

I giggled and smiled with a blush on my cheeks. "Yusei, I'll be back, okay? I'm going to take Ushio to school." 

"Bye Ushio! Have a great first day of school!" Yusei kissed her forehead, and he held my hands in his. "Be careful." 

"Of course." I smiled. "I always will." 

We kissed each other softly, and I took Ushio out to the car. Our two dogs, Umi and Sakura followed me out. 

"Mommy! Can Umi and Sakura go with us?" 

Knowing they loved car rides, I couldn't say no. "Of course they can. Umi! Sakura! Come on girls!" I whistled, and they both hopped into the car. 

They sat in the back seat of the car, making sure Ushio was okay. 


Coming into New Domino City, there was a statue where that explosion was so many years ago, of all of us from Team 5ds. Remember what you did yesterday, but aspire to be someone tomorrow. 

I smiled as I drove by, reminiscing on the old days. However, I was happy with how things were now. We had a home, a family. I couldn't ask for more. 

Yusei, Ushio, Sakura, and Umi.. it was all that I could ever want. 

Pulling up to the Duel Academy, I parked the car, told Umi and Sakura to stay, and I walked Ushio inside. Curious of who her teacher would be. This teacher, I hoped, would be beneficial to her becoming a great duelist. 

I could have sworn my jaw dropped once I walked into the room. 

Jaden Yuki?! 

"Hey! Mrs.Fudo! So your daughter, Ushio is in my class? That's awesome!" 


"It's been a long time though! How's everything going?" 

"Quite fine." 

"How about a duel?"

"Well... I don't have my deck with me, and my prized card... well.." 

"What is it?"

"Black Rose Dragon is with Ushio now." 


"I want her to have it. And eventually, she'll have Yusei's Stardust Dragon. I'd love to stay and talk, but I need to go pick up something from home quick before I head into work today. Bye Ushio! Have a great first day!" 

She got a big smile on her face and waved as I turned and left. "Bye Momma!" 


The car ride back seemed so quiet. Without Ushio in the car, I didn't like the silence. I loved hearing her laughs and giggles. I loved hearing what she was seeing outside the window. It was rather hard for Yusei and I to send her off to her first day of school. 


I walked back in the door with Umi and Sakura in tow. "Yusei, I'm back but I can't stay long.." 



I looked in the kitchen, and was horrified by the sight. Yusei was on the floor, unconscious. I screamed, and swore, my life was going black. 

Please. Stay. 

There's days where we may not talk as much as we hoped, 

but there are days where I really need to hear your voice. 

Days I want to see your smile. 

Someday, I want to be there to see it all. 

Without you, my life isn't complete. It isn't whole. 

You're my best friend, the person who makes my life special each day. 

I'll say it a million times over, but you're in my millions of dreams. 

Someday, I can't wait to finally wake up beside you everyday. 

I love you!  <3 

Reunited: A Yusei and Akiza Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now