Chapter 5: The Chaos Troupe? Trouble returns to New Domino City!

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Yusei and I were watching tv on the couch in his apartment, cuddling, when a special news broadcast interrupted the program.
"We will take over where the signers failed. We will being chaos onto the city and take the rightful power that is ours! We will duel to end dueling! FOREVER!"
I looked over at Yusei, puzzled. "What does he mean..?"
"I don't know.. keep listening..!"
"My name is Azrail.. and the group of people you see behind me... we are The Chaos! If you want to end the card game that we've all know to come and love, join me! Join me and you'll receive great power! You won't be let down by us.." He grinned from under his hood, his eyes glowing red.
I looked back at Yusei once more. "Almost like..."
"The Dark Signers.." he looked over, chiming in.
"I wonder if Jack and the others know about this.."
The phone rings. Yusei walks over to it and answers it.
"Yusei! Did you see the TV?"
"Yes, I did.." it was Jack on the other end.
"They're just like The Dark Signers!"
"Jack... I knew it was something. If there was something that was bad, then that's why the Mark of the Crimson Dragon had appeared on all of us."
"That's absolutely true. What do you think we should do? Track them down?"
"I'm not sure yet. We have to wait for them to move. There's very few of them right now in order to find them. We don't know if they are widespread or all together in one area."
"Plus, we don't know what monsters they have!"
"True. This is going to be rather difficult. Have Crow, Luna, and Leo gotten a hold of you?"
"Yes, they have. And they are just as unsure."
"Alright. Let's meet up then. All of us."
"Where would be a decent place?"
"The mall?"
"That's fine."
"Alright. See you guys around 5:30?"
"Good. See you soon Yusei."
"Bye Jack."
"Bye Yusei. Be careful."
Yusei hung up the phone and sighed. "I hate to cut this alone time between us short, Akiza, but we need to get going."
I stood, brushing my skirt a little. "That's totally fine Yusei. Let's go."
We were all in the court, sitting at a table while Jack was pacing back and forth.
"What are we to do about this group?"
"That's the question, Jack. None of us have an answer for it..!"  Yusei sighed.
Just then, we all heard the sound of a explosion, along with some people screaming.
"Yusei!" I stood up instantly.
"Let's go Akiza!"
Jack and the rest followed in suit. I was running as fast as possible, trying to get there in time to reach any possible trauma victims.
The site was horrific. There was a large crater in the group and some exposed pipes.
"This looks like a gas leak that turned into an explosion... yet..." I thought as I continued my investigating to find that there was some instances of foul play.
"Someone did this in order to cause a scene...
But... who!?"
I took help to the injured in the surrounding area, and Yusei and the gang did as what I asked them too.
"The time is now! Dueling will end, here! Today!"
We all turned around to see them- The Chaos.
Their leader, Azrail stood before Yusei. He was grinning like a madman, demanding something.
"You must be Yusei Fudo... care to have a battle with me?"
"But on one condition."
"What may that be?",
"If you lose, your cards... your duel runner, and dual disk. They will all be destroyed. You won't need to duel anymore."
He was shocked. "What?!"
I stood up and glared at Azrail. "I'll fight you instead!"
"Nice try little lady. I need you for when I defeat him, so then you can be all mine for the taking."
"As if!" I yelled, pushing him against a wall with my psychic powers. "I'm not going to just sit by here and let you have it your way! Yusei means the world to me, and I WILL NOT LET YOU BATTLE HIM. YOU'RE battling ME!"
Azrail's eyes grew wide in shock, and he took a step back. "What? Scared now because I yelled? I don't look like it, but I've endured a lot. I fight to protect those I care about! I fight for Yusei! I want to protect him because I love him more than anything! And if you want to duel him, you're going to have to try and take me down!"
Yusei stood there, shocked.
Azrail grinned. "Fine then. I accept your challenge. The rules apply to you, if you lose. If you win, then we will retreat until we return in even greater numbers to tear all of you down."
I grinned. "Nice try. There's plenty of us to wipe the floor with all of you."
"Let's Duel!"

Reunited: A Yusei and Akiza Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now