Chapter 21: Daughter of the Rose

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As Ushio's and my battle got further into it, I got a call about Yusei.

-"Dr. Fudo, it's Director Hyuga!"
"Director Hyuga! What is it, Sir?"
-"Yusei's condition seemed to have gone down again!"
"What are you talking about?! He was just fine earlier when I had seen him!"
"He slipped back into a coma today! I have no idea why!"
"Alright, I'll be back over momentarily.."
I looked up at Ushio with uttermost sadness. "Mommy is sorry, Ushio, but she has to go. Daddy needs her again."
"Is he okay...?" She frowned.
"I'm sure he is sweetie." Ushio frowned, clenching her fists slightly. "I wish you could stay and play with me more! You're always gone!" As she said that, I found myself being tossed against the wall. That wasn't any classic force for I knew that power anywhere.
"Ah! U-Ushio!"
"Mommy I'm so sorry! I-I don't know what that was..." I got back up, brushing myself off. I knelt down to her level and looked in her eyes, showing concern and the usual mothers love.
"Ushio... you have the same type of power that mommy has."
"Yes, you're really little so it will be hard for you to be able to control it, but I will help you be able to focus on your powers with ease, okay?"
She nodded, smiling as I called my parents.
"What is it Akiza?"
"Dad.." I walked into the other room so Ushio couldn't hear me. "Yusei fell back into a coma, so I have to head back over to the hospital. Can you and mom keep an eye on Ushio for a little bit..?"
"Of course."
"Thank you, ill bring her right over."
Walking back into the other room, I took Ushio's hand in mine. "Come on sweetie, I'm taking you to grandma and grandpa's house!"
"Yay! Grandma and Grandpa!"
I petted Sakura and Umi gently as we left, and the housemaid started to play with them as we left the house.
I couldn't help but worry.
-How did Yusei slip into a coma again if this time it wasn't medically induced, and all of his vitals were normal...? Something isn't right here.
I sighed as we continued to drive to my parents house, face stricken with immense worry. I was at a loss of words, and I didn't know what could be done at this point. I was driven closer and closer to fear that I would lose one of the most important people that are in my life.


Upon arrival to the hospital, Director Hyuga was at Yusei's bedside looking down upon him. 



"Sir, with all due respect I'd like to know why Yusei is in a coma again. All of his vitals and everything were normal when I was here last to visit him. Plus, he was conscious."

"To be quite frank, we aren't sure. We don't know what happened. However, I advise that you stay here for as long as you'd like to keep watch over him. I'm  sure he wants you by his side right now." 

"Alright. Thank you."  He stepped out and I sat down beside him, gently placing my hand on top of his. His hand gripped onto mine without hesitation. 

Please...come out of this Yusei! Our daughter needs you... I need you. 

Hours passed, and I was feeling rather hungry, so I decided to step out of the room to get some food. 

The cafeteria was line with many different food options, but I chose to get a hamburger with some onion rings and a bottle of water. Before I could pay for my food, I saw the desert section. There was some cheesecake, ice cream, and funnel cake as options. Without hesistation, I decided on cheesecake and  funnel cake. That choice was brash, but I really had needed this. 

When I was on my way back to the room, I heard Director Hyuga's voice from inside Yusei's room. I stopped shortly outside to listen. 

"I should have made sure you were dead ages ago. After what you did to my sisters and brothers. I could honestly steal Dr. Fudo for myself! Seems like this poison is doing some benefit after all!" 

My eyes went wide in shock. "Poison?!" 

I was so close to busting down the door, but I waited because Director Hyuga was still speaking. "You wretched signers destroyed what we had fought so hard for. You ruined my life! And soon.. after these next doses of poison will be administered, you won't have a life to live!" 

"That's it!!!" 

I kicked open the door and Director Hyuga turned around, facing me with widened eyes. 

"D-Dr. Fudo?!" 


"Y-You... heard.. what I said?!" 


He grinned, taking a couple steps forward, holding a syringe. 

"So you've figured out that I've been slowly hurting the one you love the most." 

"Y-You bastard! How dare you! He did absolutely nothing wrong! Yusei and the rest of us were protecting New Domino City!" 

"He took away the future that my brethren were going to unfold onto New Domino!" I clenched his fists in anger, taking a swing at me. I swerved to the side to the come forward at him and knee him in the jaw. He cried out in pain, falling to the ground. 

Following, he looked up at me, with wide eyes. "I've... never expected you to be so vigilant, Dr. Fudo." 

"Oh please! Spare the formalities!" He then tried to get up and pin me down, but I wasn't having it. Instead, I hopped to the side, and swerved around with a kick to the gut. This knocked the wind out of him as he tried to stumble out of the room. 

Before my eyes, there was Officer Trudge and Jack Atlas. 

Reunited: A Yusei and Akiza Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now