Chapter 8: Proposal

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"Akiza.." Yusei looked over from his bed, smiling.
"So you helped the surgeons save me..?"
I looked over, smiling with tears in my eyes. "Yes. I would do anything for you. And I wanted to save you myself..."
He reached out, gently placing his hand on my cheek.
"Thank you.." He then patted gently on the bed. "Please, come closer to me. I'd like you near me."
I moved, and walked over to sit on his bed to be closer. He had a small box on his little table beside his food.
"Jack put this here earlier. But.. when I was out on my duel runner earlier, I was actually on my way to surprise you. I'll do this formally later on, but... Akiza.. you're the woman of my life that I would want to spend the rest of my days with. You're a beautiful person, inside and out. Your smile always lights up the room and my heart. You started a fire in me that I don't want to lose. I don't want to lose your precious smile, your laugh, or Akiza... will you do the honor... of being my wife?"
He opened the box to reveal a small ring with a ruby stone in the middle. "Yusei..." Tears were streaming down my face.
"Yusei... he... wants me to marry him.. and.. I feel the same way!"
I kissed him right then and there, still crying tears of joy. "I will Yusei!"
He slid the ring gently onto my finger, and we kissed once again.
Our foreheads were touching. We were both smiling.
"To be a part of your world is the greatest thing."
I looked into his eyes.
"Thank you."
"Why are you thanking me?"
"Because over these past few months, pretty much over this past year alone, you have really lightened my soul. You have made me so happy and I can't simply describe on words alone of how you made me feel. I love you, and I too, want to spend the rest of my life with you. You're my other half, Yusei. I know it to be true."
He smiled once more, gently patting my head. "I'm glad. And I thank you as well. My beautiful rose.."
"My shooting star.."
Carly and Jack had peered in the window, geeking out along with Leo, Luna, and Crow.
"Leo! Lower your voice!" Luna glared over. "We're suppose to act like we don't know!"
"Oh yeah... S-Sorry guys.."
"Way to go Yusei, pal!"
Jack said softly, grinning to himself as he was watching over how happy Yusei and I were.
"Jack..." Carly looked up at him. "Hm?"
"Do you think that they will be happy?"
"Yes, Carly. I know they will be."
"What makes you say that?"
"If I know Yusei, he really loves Akiza. So much that he's made it a destiny thing. And you can tell by how the way he and her look at one another. They look at each other with so much love, and happiness. And when you see that kind of chemistry between two people, you know things will last."
"Jack..." Carly was in awe to hear him say something like that. He looked back at her, and gave her a soft smile. "That's how I feel about you, too."
She blushed, growing silent. Then, began to stutter. "W-What?!"
"Yes, Carly. You're beautiful. You are so kind and sweet." He held her close. "I hope someday perhaps this will be us too, but of course hopefully not in this setting."
She smiled, holding his hand gently.
"I agree."
Hours pass, and Yusei's asleep on the bed from his medicines to ease pain. I stayed by his side, peacefully watching him sleep.
"He looks so peaceful.." I smiled, continuing to look at him lovingly.
"I love you, Yusei. And I can't wait for a future with you."
A future with you, is one of the greatest goals I could wish for. I want it to come true. Because you, are my light to my fire. My other half. Simply, my everything. When you walk into the room, everything lights up. Things get better. The small things you do, I love and appreciate so much because it's simply from you. I can't wait, for all of the memories that we will make over the course of this year. Soon, it's going to be a day I've been waiting for for so long. In the meantime. I'll wish it here too. Happy one year, to happiness, love, adventure, new beginnings, and most importantly- the love we share for one another. For the memories we will make. For everything, that we will do...together***


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Reunited: A Yusei and Akiza Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now