Chapter 10: Save me..!

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When I came to, Sayer was standing before me.
"Welcome back, Akiza."
"Sayer! You..."
"I saved you, Akiza."
"What are you talking about?!"
"That Yusei...! He.. was ruining you! He was corrupting your mind, conforming you!"
I stood up, slapping Sayer with excessive force.
"How DARE you! I was finally happy! Life was actually looking out for me! And Yusei... he treats me WAY better than YOU ever did! He doesn't use me as a mere tool, but YOU did. He saw my powers as something unique! He sees me as unique. AND that the fact YOU, took me away from him... on the damn night that he formally proposed to me, angers me. I don't love you, I don't even like you!"
Sayer glared down at me with utter disgust. "Traitorous bitch.."  He hit me, sending me down.
"Ouch!" I rubbed my cheek gently.
"I guess you can never forgive the person who was there for you when no one else was! If I can't have you, then no one can."
He turned, walking out of the warehouse. "You can burn here, along with my research."
He walked outside, throwing something into the building. A small patch of flames started. I tried to move to escape, but I was bound to something.
"Yusei! Please...! Save me!"
My mark began to glow. Was it in fear?


"Ah!" Yusei, Jack, Leo, Luna, and Crow cried out. 

"Yusei! Our marks!" Jack hollered over to him. "It's Akiza!" 

"What do you mean?" 

"She's in trouble!" The marks on everyone began to feel hot, almost as if they were receiving a burn. "It's... fire.." 

The Crimson Dragon appeared all of a sudden, and then lead them in the right direction to the warehouse. 


The double doors to get into the warehouse opened, and right in the midst of the light that was seeping in, was Yusei. 

"Yusei!" I cried out, smiling. 

"Don't take one more step, Fudo." 

"Sayer's still here?!"

"Sayer! Leave her go!" 

"Unfortunately, Fudo... if I can't have her, then no one can! "

"I refuse to let that happen! We'll settle this!" 

"With a duel!" 

"Duel? Heh. I'm always up for a duel. But, right now isn't the time for it." 

Yusei ran over to me and then untied my wrists that were bound, and then picked me up, running out of the warehouse with me in his arms. Sayer attempted to follow, but the warehouse collapse as he yelled: "DAMN YOU YUSEI!!!!" 

Soon, the entire building was in flames, and the fire department had came to extinguish the rest of the flames. 

Officer Trudge walked over to us, Akiza wrapped in a blanket. 

"What happened here guys!?"

"It was Sayer. He tried to kidnap Akiza, but we found her, the warehouse was already on fire. "Yusei said. 

"...And then he threw a molotov into the building."

Officer Trudge was dumbfounded. "A molotov?!" 

"Were you tied up by the wrists?!"

"No, Dr. Izinski." 

"I apologize for my outburst but it's just ridiculous that you'd even have the slightest suspicion that I would even do anything like this! I'm a doctor! I save lives! Not end them!" 

"You're right. Sorry about that Akiza." 

Soon after the rest of us were questioned, we left the area, heading back to our homes. 

Yusei let me stay with him for a little bit. 


"Akiza, are you alright, despite what happened?" 

"Yes. Sayer didn't cause any harm to me." 

"Good. I'm glad he didn't hurt you."

"I'm just glad your safe." I hugged him tightly. 


"I wish I wasn't so...weak. I wish I wasn't so defenseless. I could have fought Sayer off to help you. I could have-!" 

Yusei put a finger to my lips. "Say no more."


"Akiza. It isn't your job to always protect me. I should have fought Sayer off. I should have been stronger. It's a man's job to protect the woman he loves the most. And that, of course, is you. I always want to protect you." 

We looked at each other in our eyes. 

"I promise that I will save you if something happens to you. Because I love you. I don't want to lose you. IF i did, I don't think I'd be the same." 

"I promise  that I will always support you, that I will always have your back. I will always love you as you love me. I will do anything I can for you." 

We smiled at one another, embracing tightly. 

"Don't let go.." Yusei whispered softly. 

"I won't." I smiled, snuggling into his embrace. "I never will." 

I paused. "I'll always be here." 

Reunited: A Yusei and Akiza Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now