Chapter 14: Lovers, Reunited

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As we went farther into the disaster area of the blast site, Jack and I's marks of the Crimson Dragon were glowing brighter. I was sure that we were getting closer to Yusei. 

Carly stopped the car, and we were all shocked to see Yusei with tattered clothes, standing in the middle of the site of where the blast had been earlier. 

"Did he have the battle here..?" 

It seemed that Azrail's old clothes were laying in a pile before him. So it had seemed that he had won this battle. I took a few cautious steps towards Yusei. 

"Y...usei?" He blinked and looked over to me. "Akiza!" 

His eyes became instantly clouded, and tears rolled down. 

"I thought I had lost you....!" 

Seeing Yusei like this, caused me to go into a similar state. "Yusei! I thought I lost you too!" 

Without anymore hesitation, I ran up to him, embracing him. He wrapped his arms around me and cried against my shoulder. 

"I thought I had lost you..." 

"No. I made a promise to you." I gently touched his cheek. "I'm not going anywhere. Nor will I ever." 

He looked up at me, smiling. "I know you wouldn't." 

Office Trudge and others from Sector Security showed up, and began to assess the crime scene, also having a small medic squad help the injured, Yusei included. 

I sat beside him as a medic tended to his wounds. There were surprisingly only a few bruises and scrapes. 

The medic looked over at me, seeing a big gash on my right arm. "Miss Izinski...I mean.. Fudo! You need that sterilized and bandaged!" 

I looked at my arm. "I completely forgot about that! I was so worried about Yusei that I didn't pay any heed to my arm." 

The medic bandaged it up, and we were all sent off to leave the scene. 

Jack and Carly drove us to where our new home was along with the few belongings that we had. 

"My parents have some old furniture that they're going to give us for now until we can find some of our own that we like." I looked over at Yusei as we sat on the steps of our new home. 

Our home was in the middle of the woods, but unlike most homes, it seemed to be modernized in ways. It was large, layered with stone and wood on the outside. There was a cherry wood planked porch with a swing outside. Behind the house, there was a large lake where we could swim, or maybe even watch the stars at night. It was quiet and serene here. Beautiful beyond comprehension. Walking inside, the kitchen was on the left, and the living room was on the right. I walked into the kitchen, noting the marble countertops, a island in the kitchen, a modern electric burner stove with a black microwave on top of it. There was a dual door fridge to the far right in the corner of the very room. I walked over to it, and saw that there was a fruit basket in it from my parents in there. 

-"Our dearest Akiza and wonderful son-in-law, Yusei, 

Many congrats on your biggest step of your lives together in your new home. We are so happy and proud of you both. Yusei, take good care of our dearest Akiza. Keep her happy.


                                                                                                           Mr. and Mrs. Izinski"

Reunited: A Yusei and Akiza Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now