Chapter 19: The Bond Between Us

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Yusei's POV (of course, still in comatose state)
Where am I? Am I dreaming?

There was a image of me crying beside Yusei's bed.
Why is Akiza crying?
Why can't I move?!
"That's because you're in a coma, Yusei..."
That voice...!
"Hello, my son." Dr.Fudo smiled proudly before Yusei, with his mother next to him.
"Mom... dad... what are you guys doing here...?"
"It isn't your time to go yet." Mrs.Fudo looked down at Yusei with soft brown eyes. "You need to fight this. But not only for your sake."
Yusei stood in this.. dream world.
"Yes. Not only for me, but for Ushio, and Akiza. The love of my life... as well."
Yusei's parents disappeared, and images of him and I came into view.
Almost as if he was reliving the past again.
We were sitting on a hillside, next to each other, holding hands.
"I want you to be a part of my life. I realized that when you came back.."
My eyes went wide.
"You mean...?"
Yusei nodded.
"Will you marry me, Akiza...?"
"Welcome to the family, Mrs. Fudo."
"Same to you, Mr. Fudo."
"Yusei! Our daughter... Ushio is here.."
"Sakura! Umi! Come on girls!"
"I.. can't live in a world without you!"
(Now normal context)
I looked at the heart monitor, seeing that Yusei's BP and pulse has gone up a little bit, and his breathing had seemed to become more steady. It's been a couple days now since he's been admitted, and I was taking a break from doing my rounds.
Just when I was about to check his charts, Director Hyuga entered the room, smiling.
"Good evening, Dr. Fudo. I have some pleasing news for you."
"What would that be sir?"
"Well due to the heavy antibiotics via intravenous injection (IV basically) over the past week, Yusei's white blood cell count has improved significantly. He may wake up from this comatose state in a few days.
Ironically, when he had said that, the alarm started going off.
"What? !"
His blood pressure and ox rates were dropping.
"Dr.Fudo! Sound the code blue alarm!"

A team of nurses came into the room with a crash cart.
All I could hope was for the better.
Yusei... please! I can't lose you!
"YUSEI! Don't go into the light! Not yet!" His father cried out as he wandered through the darkness towards a tunnel of light. "Go towards Akiza!"
He could see me, crying for him.
One shock. Pulse and heartbeat still at a flat line.
The next shock stabilized his BP and ox.
The team of nurses left the room and the director sighed in relief.
"I'm sure now all will be okay, Dr. Fudo. Are you finished for the night with your rounds?"
"Yes sir."
"Go home. You haven't slept in 72 hours..."
"No sir, I need to stay here... with my husband."
"Dr. Fudo... as your superior, I urge you to go home. Please. We will contact you if anything should go wrong, alright?"
I sighed, having to give in. "Yes sir..."
Ushio looked at me as I read her a bedtime story with Sakura and Umi at my feet. "Mommy? When is daddy going to come home...?"
"Hopefully soon honey... mommy really misses him."
"I miss him too...but I don't want you to be sad mommy.."
she wrapped her little arms around my neck. "I don't like it when you're sad.."
"Oh my sweet Ushio..." I hugged her gently and kissed her forehead. Once finishing the bedtime story, I wished her goodnight and she drifted off to sleep for the night.
Umi and Sakura followed me to my room, and hopped on the bed to cuddle next to me.
All that was in the room was pitch black. I hated this darkness. But the thing that was the most painful, was this loneliness.
"It's so hard to sleep without you next to me, Yusei.."
Even though it was difficult to sleep, I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.
I saw people wearing black and white all around me, Ushio and I mourning at a gravestone. Flowers and a card at the grave. What was this that I was seeing? Then Director Hyuga standing before me. Saying: "I'm sorry... we did all that we could to try to save him, but our technologies were just not capable to save his life. He was too far gone.
I'm sorry..."
Then, the casket. Inside... was...
I flew upwards my eyes opening screaming; "YUSEI!" All around me was daylight, but that event startled the dogs.
They hopped back over to me and licked my cheek. "It's alright girls."
The house was quiet. Ushio must have been taken to school by my parents today.
I should probably get ready....
I looked at the clock, 11:45 am.
Checking my phone, however, no notifications.
Hmm... odd...
I got up, and got a shower, ate some breakfast along with taking Sakura and Umi outside,  to then drive off to the hospital. Hoping that I wouldn't be expecting the worse of outcomes.

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