Chapter 22: Final

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As I stood there, looking at Officer Trudge and Jack, we all looked at Director Hyuga. They knew.
"Director. You're under arrest for the malpractice and malevolent treatment of Yusei Fudo." Officer Trudge moved to handcuff the Director, but the Director got onto his feet.
"No Officer you got it all wrong! Akiza did this!"
I was furious that he tried to place the blame on me.
"How dare you even say such a thing!"
Before any of us could act, Director Hyuga threw down a smoke bomb and ran off into the hallway. None of us could see where he went.
I stayed close to Yusei in case if he'd try to bring more poison into his system.
As the smoke cleared, Officer Trudge and Jack glanced at me. "Do you think you knew where he went off to?"
"No, I have no idea, honestly."
"Well go find him and also have Sector Security on full alert. You stay here with Yusei, keep him company.."
As Officer Trudge ran out of the room, Jack looked over at me once more. "Be careful, Akiza."
He then left, following after Officer Trudge.
Snuggling close against Yusei, I whispered softly in his ear: "I love you... and I really want you to come home. Ushio misses her daddy too.."
I ran my hand through his hair, just as he likes.
"We both want the person we love so much to come home..."
———Yusei POV———-
I felt like I was floating, endlessly across a starry sky. I looked down, stardust dragon was below me.
I guessed that I was riding on stardust dragon. I look to my left, there's Ancient Fairy Dragon. I look to my right, Red Dragon Archfiend. And in front of me, the most beautiful, amazing woman. "Akiza..."

"Yusei... I love you.. please.. come back to us... Ushio misses you. And so do I." She outstretched her arms towards me, the starry sky being showered with shooting stars. There were so many crimson red roses then around her. I chuckled. "No wonder why you've always said that I was your shooting star.."
We embraced, and everything began to feel so warm.
That's when, I opened my eyes again to see her beautiful face nearby mine.
————— Back to Akiza—————-
Yusei had opened his eyes once more and I couldn't be happier. "Yusei!" Tears flowing down from my eyes. I leaned forward, my head against his chest as I cried harder than the last time. "I was so afraid you were going to be gone this time..."
I felt his arms wrap around me. "Didn't I promise you something?"
"And what was that?"
"That you're always going to be here right by my side."
"And have I let you down?"
"No. Nor will you ever."
Without any hesitation, Yusei kissed me passionately on the lips, holding me close to him. "Don't leave.."
"You know I would never leave you."
"I don't want to lose you again."
"Nor do I want to lose you again."
"Yusei.. I'm glad you beat this again."
"Did something happen?"
"The Director tried to kill you..."
"I found that out earlier today...he also used to be a part of the Chaos Troupe... so.."
Yusei clenched his fists. "Where is he?"
"On the run from Sector Security now. I'm sure they've tracked him down by now.."
"Good. He's gonna get what he's deserved."
"I hope you know I did hurt him a little bit."
"You.. did?!"
"Yes! He hurt you! I can't just sit back and pretend everything is okay! As your wife I'm suppose to be here for you and protect you too! Just as you do for me! We work together, not separate!"
Yusei chuckled, patting my head gently. "You're right, and I'm glad you'd defend me as I would you. It makes me even happier that you're my wife and best friend."
I kissed Yusei without hesitation. "Thank you, Yusei."
He sat up, and held me close to him again. "I really am glad that I chose you, everyday."
"As am I, Yusei."
A nurse soon came into the room and gave the okay to have Yusei discharged. She apologized for the Director's malpractice, but gave us some fruit and other stuff to take back to our home.
As the car made it into the driveway of my parents' home, Ushio came running up to us.
She ran up to Yusei, hopping into his arms.
"Oof! Ushio!"
"Be careful, Ushio..." I smiled, as she hugged Yusei tightly.
"Daddy I'm so glad you're back.. I missed you so much...!"
"I missed you too, Ushio. Come on, we're heading home!"
Later that night, Ushio was sound asleep in her bed. I was outside, looking up at the bright starry sky with Sakura and Umi cuddled up against me.
"Missing something?"
Yusei stood before me, smiling. He was holding a bottle of wine with a little basket in his hand.
"Everything I could ever want is all on this plot of land. I have a wonderful, smart daughter. I have two adorable best friends.." I petted Sakura and Umi. "And I have my best friend, the man I love with all of my heart to make everything complete." Yusei smiles, coming down on the ground and getting on top of me. "Oh really?"
"Yeah. Without you, I don't think any of this would be happening right now." I smiled, leaning my forehead against Yusei's.
"You always make the starry skies seem so endless. Your smile always lightens up my life. I love you, and I couldn't ask for anyone else other than you. You're always gonna be my shooting star.."
"And you're gonna be my beautiful red rose.."

With you, by my side again. The world, it doesn't seem so dark anymore. We could have all of the smiles in the world, as well as the family and the laughter to keep it whole.
Everything is just as it should and always will be.

I dream of a future, one that is bright.
One with you in it, right by my side.
I figured that out, so long ago. That destiny, always shapes fate.
And that it was fate, that led us back together.
Your smile, your laugh, the loving ways you look at me. I cherish it all. The necklaces you've gotten me, the beautiful flower ring I wear everyday. They have so much significance to me. Much more than you may realize.
I dream of a tomorrow where I'll be able to wake up beside you, to maybe hear you say: "good morning, beautiful" or something along those lines. To go on more vacations together, to share endless memories, smiles. All of that would be super meaningful, with you right by my side. You're all I want, all I could ever ask for. I want my future to be with you. And I'm so glad I realized that a while back.
Thank you, for always being one of my biggest inspirations. The man who lets me chase my dreams. The man who brings the biggest smile to my face. The one who inspires me to be the best I can be. My best friend, my other half.... Kevin... I can't thank you enough for all that you do. I love you, and I hoped you along with the others who've read this story have enjoyed it. But most importantly, thank you Kevin for being a super big inspirational cause behind this. I love you!"

This is the end of my Akiza x Yusei love story! I hope you guys enjoyed it, and perhaps here in the future, you may see more Yu-Gi-Oh fan fictions from me!

I also take requests for certain fan fictions and other writings so if there is something that you'd like, don't hesitate to ask!

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