Chapter 16: Ushio Rose Fudo

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Nine months later, Ushio was born. She has the same color of hair as I did, but she had Yusei's charming eyes. She was beautiful. I was surprised she was born with some hair on her head, but also that her eyes were open a little. 
Holding her for the first time in the hospital was something I loved.

Hearing her little coos. She just seemed so happy and overjoyed to finally meet us. 

I looked over at Yusei with my tired, worn out eyes. "Yusei, do you want to hold our little girl?"

He smiled and walked over. "She's so beautiful.. She has your hair." 

Smiling,  I looked up at him. "She has your eyes you know." Yusei gently picked her up and held her in his arms, smiling. "Ushio... Daddy can't wait to show you dueling, and maybe how to fix duel runners." She clenched onto Yusei's wrist, giving off a little smile. 

The doctor came in along with a nurse. "Mrs. Fudo, you're all set to head home with your little girl. I know you'll keep her health in good check, but please stop over if there's any trouble. Remember she has a check up in a couple weeks!" 

That's right! Her three month check up. She will probably get a vaccine or two.. 

As Yusei wheeled me out of the hospital, the sky was a beautiful blue. The sun was shining. 

"It's a beautiful day out." Yusei smiled as he helped me into our car, while I was holding Ushio. She was sleeping soundly in my arms. 

As we drove back to our home, Yusei gently placed his hand on my left shoulder. "Akiza.." 


"I did the right thing by asking for you to marry me. And my assumption was correct about you becoming a mother. You are a wonderful mother already." 

A dark blush spread across my cheeks and I smiled. "Well, I'm really happy that I got to marry you. I knew then I loved you, and I still do more and more each day. Plus, I'm so glad we have a daughter together that we can both love. I can't wait to watch her grow up." 

Yusei smiled. "Me either, Akiza." 


When we got home, there was a box outside our home. There was two pink bows on it. 

Yusei walked over to it and opened it. Out of it jumped two puppies. A border collie puppy and a Golden Retriever puppy. "Woah! Where did you two come from?" 

Attached to the box was a note from my parents. There was also a basket with items for Ushio in it such as blankets, clothes, a pacifier and more. 

- "Our Dearest Akiza and Yusei, 

            We heard that our granddaughter Ushio was going to be born soon. So, here's some supplies for her, but also two lovely pups that we knew the two of you always wanted. So that Ushio will have some friends but also have protection. Raise Umi and Sakura well!

                                                                                                                               With all of our love, 

                                                                                                                                  Mom and Dad.



"Your folks did this!" 

"Ah, mom and dad are always one step ahead. But I'm glad they're here to help us out." 

"Now we got puppies too." Yusei chuckled. "And its the ones we like too!" 

I chuckled. "Well, I like all dogs, but as you know Yusei, Border Collies are my absolute favorite!" Umi and Sakura trotted over to me and licked me, snuggling against me and Ushio. "Anytime dogs and other animals come near me, they are always like this." 

"It's because they see the ultimate good in you, Akiza. You are such a beautiful person inside and out."  Yusei patted my head, kissing my cheeks. "You're my greatest accomplishment." 

"And you are mine." I smiled. "And together. All of this is too." 


In the coming weeks ahead, caring for Ushio was rather easy. She wasn't rather fussy at all, and she loved to be in my arms. 

However, once it was going to be time for me to head back to work, she'd have to go with my parents a lot more often since Yusei and I would be away, working. 

That night as Ushio was asleep in her crib next to Yusei and I in our bed, I turned over to Yusei. 

"Yusei, I think I'm going to talk to my superiors once I go back to work." 


"Well, I want to see if I can perhaps get transferred to working in an practice so then I won't be gone ridiculous amounts of hours. I want to be able to be here for you two, and not feel like I'm going to abandon our daughter." 


"I would feel absolutely terrible if I would let something like that happen.." Tears were falling from my eyes. 

"Akiza, regardless of what you choose isn't going to change how we all love and feel for you. Go with your heart. Choose what you want most of all. I want you to be happy doing what you love." Yusei held me close to him, rubbing my back gently. 

"We are always a team, don't forget that." 

" I won't." He kissed my forehead and smiled. "Now, get some rest. Ushio could potentially wake up at anytime." 

"Alright." We cuddled together and Yusei had his chin resting against my shoulder. "Good night.." 

"Good night.." 


A girl can only dream of so much on her own. 

But with you by my side, the dreams are endless. The smiles are endless. The happiness we share, is priceless. I dream for a future with you. I want nothing but a happy future to come. Where we laugh always, we hold each other after a difficult day or time. Where we dance under the stars. Where we have  a family, pets, and each other. Taking it day by day, steps at a time, all I ask for- is that you stay. I want you in my life. I need you in my life. My best friend, my soulmate, my everything. I want nothing else but you and your love. To be the small steps we have towards our big future together. I love you, always.  

Reunited: A Yusei and Akiza Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now