Chapter 8: Reflection

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September 25th, 2016

1:00 A.M.


I pulled myself off of Lucy and plopped down next to her on the bed. As my heavy breathing died down, I thought about how great the night had been so far. First, I had gotten to see Beyoncé's concert in the fun city of New Orleans, Louisiana with my girlfriend. Second, I was finally having sex again with said girlfriend who had been giving me the cold shoulder for weeks. This was turning out to be one of the best tour breaks yet.

"I hope you know this was for me, not you." Lucy suddenly spoke up.

"What does that mean?" I asked, shifting a bit in the bed so that I could look at her.

"You're just lucky I'm horny. You're still in the dog house, mi amor."

"Wow.", I laughed, "The lengths you'll go to to avoid admitting that you just love me and can't stay mad at me."

"I do love you.", she said before planting a quick kiss on my lips, "But I can definitely stay mad at you."

"Babe, come on. What else can I do?"

"You can come have a smoke with me on the balcony."

I rolled my eyes and started getting up from the bed, but Lucy grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"But stay naked." she whispered.

"I'm not going out onto your balcony naked." I scoffed.

"If you do I'll stop being mad." She teased.

"No, if I do, someone could see us, which, I wouldn't necessarily care about if I wasn't part of the world's biggest girl group right now."

"Details, details."


She leaned in and gave me a quick kiss again.

"Lauren." she returned.

Another kiss, lasting a bit longer.

"Lauren." she repeated.

Her lips moved down to my neck to plant another kiss on me.

"Lauren." she whispered.

"Do you think that this is going to convince me to go out there naked?" I asked, admittedly a bit flustered.

"Hey, I shouldn't have to convince you. You should want my forgiveness." she spoke in between more kisses along my neck.

"I don't think that this is how I should earn it."

"You don't make the forgiveness rules."

"I'm pretty sure you already forgave me. More than once tonight."

Lucy stopped kissing my neck to pull away and glare at me. I simply smirked back at her, confident that I had already won her over, no matter how much she was trying to deny it.

"Fine. No naked balcony. But you're still on probation." she conceded.

Lucy gave me one final kiss before finally getting up from the bed and throwing on giant t-shirt. I watched her every move, mesmerized by her physical beauty as she moved around the room: her toned legs, her tanned skin, her perfect stomach. I couldn't believe that I had almost lost the opportunity to worship her gorgeous body over one stupid kiss.

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