Chapter 34: An Unlikely Duo

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September 12th, 2017

1:25 P.M.


I laughed softly before taking another sip from my glass of water. I still couldn't believe that I was actually out with Lucy Vives. More importantly, I couldn't believe that I was actually having a great time.

At first, I was extremely nervous to be alone with her, but she had been making me feel at ease the entire time: cracking jokes, complimenting me, talking about music. It Definitely weird, but also fun. Once our food finally arrived, however, Lucy started to reveal more of why she had even asked me to lunch in the first place.

"So, Camila." she began before popping a bite of food into her mouth.

"Yes?" I asked, trying my best not to look awkward as I slurped a piece of spaghetti into my mouth.

"Let's talk about you."

"What about me?"

"You're seriously fucking killing the game right now, you know that right?"

"Stop." I blushed.

"I'm serious. I swear, everything you've released since leaving the group has been a fucking bop. Havana is actually my jam."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah! It's amazing. You're doing so well."

"Well, thanks, Lucy. That means a lot."


She paused as she took another bite of her food and stared me down. Sure, we had been having a fun time, but Lucy still intimidated the heck out of me, especially when she just smirked at me like that. It was like she was so sure that she had complete control of the situation, which, she sort of did.

"So, remember when I called you a while back?" she began.

How could I forget?

"Yeah." I simply said.

"Do you remember what I told you?" she asked.

"Um...sort of. You told me to stay focused."

"I did. Clearly, you have been. But, is there anything threatening to take away your focus right now?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but she spoke again.

"Or anyone?" she asked.

My heart stopped. It was like she knew I had just started talking to Lauren again or something. Was that what she was referring to or was I just being paranoid?

"Um...what exactly do you mean?" I chose to say.

"Ok, I'll be blunt.", she chuckled, "Are you seeing anyone right now?"

"Oh.", I laughed, "Definitely not."

With that, Lucy's smirk grew wider. She leaned back a bit in her chair and confidently took a sip of her water.

"Why?" I asked.

I was so curious to see where this was going. More importantly, I was dying to know if it had anything to do with the green eyed girl, whose name surprisingly still hadn't been mentioned this entire time.

"Ok.", she exhaled before leaning forward again, "Remember how Vero was, like, in love with you ages ago?"

"Um...", I giggled, "Yeah..."

I half expected Lauren's old friend Veronica to come flying around the corner and ask me out. Was she trying to set us up or something?

"Well, I always got it." she said.

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