Chapter 51: Dive

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September 2nd, 2018

6:00 P.M.


She opened the door for me, eyes wide and mouth full

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She opened the door for me, eyes wide and mouth full. I smirked at the sight of her shocked expression.

"I thought you were going to text me when you landed." she mumbled through frantic chewing.

"I thought you were going to wait for me to start eating." I teased.

"I'm hungry! And I thought you were taking forever, but clearly you were just being a little sneak." she said, giving my stomach a playful push.

I grabbed her hand from my stomach and pulled her into me with a grin. Her arms wrapped perfectly around my waist as I placed mine around her neck.

"Hi." I said in my baby voice as we rocked back and forth.

"Hi." she giggled, holding me tighter.


Camila and I stepped away from our embrace to see Sofi, Camila's sister, standing in the doorway, waving her hand in the air excitedly. I immediately turned my attention to her and held my arms out for her.

"Sofi!" I called out.

The smaller girl immediately ran up to me and fell into my embrace, pressing her head tenderly against my chest.

"It's been so long!" she said as we pulled away.

"I know! You're so big!" I returned.

"She's actually a giant." Camila laughed, lovingly patting her sister's head.

"Maybe you guys are just getting smaller." she said sassily.

"She has a point." I said to Camila sarcastically.

The brown eyed girl flashed me a sweet smirk before placing her hands on Sofi's shoulders and directing her indoors.

"Come in!", she said to me, "As you can see, dinner is already ready."

"For real though, sorry for showing up right now.", I said as I followed the girls into the house, "I just assumed you guys would be doing dinner a little later."

Camila took one hand off of Sofi and reached back to grab mine, giving my hand a light squeeze.

"Never apologize for showing up.", she said softly, "Besides, your thinking was right. We usually eat later, but I'm just an animal and couldn't contain my hunger, so my mom sped up the process."

Camila and I giggled as she let go of my hand. We made our way into the kitchen to find Camila's dad smiling up at us from his spot at the table. He immediately stood up when we locked eyes and started walking over to me.

"Lauren.", he said as he approached me, "Que bueno verte (So good to see you)."

I fell into a tender hug with Camila's dad, suddenly realizing how familiar this all felt. I had never been super close to him, simply because he wasn't the one traveling everywhere with us, but I still adored him. His strong arms felt so comforting wrapped around me.

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