Chapter 47: Tequila Sunrise

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June 1st, 2018

5:30 P.M.


I had rewritten the post about 10 times now. Nothing sounded right. It just didn't feel right to exclude myself from this.

It was finally June again, which meant it was pride month; the month that gay marriage was finally legalized in all 50 states. This had happened 3 years ago, and I still couldn't post a simple tweet about the LGBT community without my team micromanaging everything.

Love was still an issue for people.

I sighed as I erased my words again, contemplating whether or not I should just give up and remain silent. Half of the things that I wrote and liked, Roger declined, and all of the other stuff just felt so inauthentic. I was getting so fed up with keeping up this image.

"Roger?" I spoke up.

My manager looked up from his cellphone and locked eyes with me.

"Another draft done?" he asked.

"Um...not really." I said.

"Oh. Well, what's up?"

"It's just...don't you think this is kind of ridiculous? Putting so much effort into one little tweet?"

"You don't have to post anything. This was your idea, C."

"No, I want to. I just..."

"You want to post whatever you want."


Roger frowned just before returning his attention back to his phone.

"We've talked about this." he mumbled.

"And we never get anywhere." I countered.

"Because there's nowhere to go."

"According to you."

"According to everyone, Camila.", Roger sighed as he looked up at me again, "We've been through this. It's not the time."

"Then when is?" I snapped, tossing my phone down on the small table next to me.

Roger's eyes widened slightly. He wasn't used to me fighting back, and, after the whole episode of him telling Matthew I was lesbian, I was starting to think that he was getting a little scared of me. He stared back at me for a few seconds, probably contemplating what to say next to not set me off even more.

"You know I don't have an answer to that." he said calmly.

I just wanted to scream and cry and punch something all at the same time. This was getting so unbelievably frustrating.

"It's 2018, Roger.", I whined, "I really don't think my career is going to end if I come out."

"It won't end, but it won't continue along this trajectory.", he said sternly, "You are blowing up right now. We can't have any setbacks. You're naive to think that your hardcore fans are the only ones that matter."

"Maybe they're the only ones I care about. Maybe I don't want fans who are going to leave me for loving a woman."

"And maybe this is all just talk because I know that you have bigger dreams than this will allow you to accomplish."

"I just don't think it would be that dramatic."

Roger sighed and stood up from his chair, placing his phone in his pocket. He made his way over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Camila, I want you to think of all of the big names in the music industry.", he began, "Drake, Ed Sheeran, Beyoncé, even Taylor. These are the names that everybody knows, regardless of what type of music they're into or what community they're a part of. These are internationally recognizable artists who are beloved and held in high regards. Now, name any other artist who is at their level and is a part of the LGBT community."

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