Chapter 37: Reevaluation

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October 23rd, 2017

3:00 P.M.


It was too late to back out. I had already put this poor girl through so much, and, plus, I did miss her. I just still couldn't believe I had told her I would call her. If we were just chatting on the phone about life, then, sure, we would call all we wanted; but I honestly had no idea what would go down on this call.

I remembered how Camila had texted me the night before, just when I was starting to think we'd never speak again...


October 22nd: 11:00 P.M.

C: Hey

C: Look I know you're busy or whatever is happening but can we please talk? I promise I won't bite

C: I just saw Brad lol

C: If that helps get your attention

I couldn't help but smile at the phone screen. God, I did miss her, and I felt like such a jerk for ghosting her without an explanation, but I wasn't ready to hear that she might have feelings for me again or that anything Lucy had said was true. Regardless, I couldn't keep leaving her in the dark like this.

L: Lmao where'd you see Brad

I chose the easy topic.

C: London

C: Wembley Stadium to be exact

C: It was a little weird...and he may or may not try to call your or something lol

L: What??? What did you do?😂😂

C: I did what I do best

C: I sort of panicked😂

L: You are pretty good at that😉


And there it was. I was glad she was sort of taking a joking approach to it, but it still meant I had to acknowledge it.

L: Lol yeah sorry it's been busy

C: Has it?

L: Yes...?

C: It's always busy

L: What does that mean

C: It means there was no reason for you to suddenly stop talking to me

C: Or at least that 'being busy' wasn't the reason

C: I'm not stupid

C: But I am confused and I would love to understand what's going on

L: Look I can't really talk right now

C: Well when can you?

C: If you're planning on ghosting me again then don't

C: Just tell me you want nothing to do with me anymore and I'll leave you alone

L: That's not it Camila

L: Can I call you tomorrow? I'm free in the afternoon

C: I think so

L: Ok...tty tomorrow

L: Goodnight❤️

C: Night💞


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