Chapter 23: Tokyo Talks

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March 24th, 2017 (in Japan)

9:00 A.M.


"Wakey, wakey!" Dinah's voice appeared over me.

I grumbled and rolled away from the sound of her voice, refusing to open my eyes. We had just gotten to Japan for a mini tour and the jet lag was unbelievably real. I had ended up falling asleep around 6 A.M., and here was Dinah, trying to wake me up three hours later for God knows what reason.

"Lo, I told you not to sleep on the plane." she said as she sat down on the bed.

"Your mom." I groaned.

"Leave her out of this."

"Leave me out of this."

"Leave my heart out of this." she giggled.

"Go away."

"I tell my heart to just butt out..." Dinah started singing, placing a hand on my blanket covered back.


"Keep it's opinions to itself..." she continued as she rocked me back and forth.

"Dinah!" I whined.

"I should just...Hey, you're getting a call."


I finally opened my eyes to see Dinah's arm reaching over me to grab my phone on the night stand. I watched her arm disappear and then waited for her to tell me who was calling, but, for once, she was silent.

"Well?", I said, "Who is it?"

More silence.

"Dinah." I complained as I rolled over to face her.

She was staring down at the phone with a serious expression. Her eyes slowly moved up to meet mine. Without a word, she simply turned the phone so that the screen was facing me. The name I found there puzzled me. I furrowed my brow.

"What?" I asked nobody in particular.

"You tell me." Dinah finally spoke.

I looked back into her eyes and I could tell that she thought I had something to do with this, as if I had been expecting the call. Camila's name finally disappeared from the screen.

"Dinah, I don't know why she's calling. I promise we haven't talked since the KCA's." I said.

"Then why would she feel comfortable enough to call?" Dinah asked, laying the phone down on the bed.

I didn't know the answer to that question, but there was definitely something that I thought could be inspiring Camila's call. Shortly before I had fallen asleep, my jet lagged mind had decided to go crazy on Twitter. Granted, it hadn't just been the jet lag that had put me in an impulsively aggressive mood, but, for that, I have to go back one more day and bring up someone who unexpectedly reappeared in my life...

"Hello?" I asked as I picked up the phone, not sure I was really receiving this call.

"Hey." my ex girlfriend, Lucy's, voice rang through the phone.

"Hi...what' are you?"

"There's a reason I'm calling. I can just get to it if you want."

"No!", I said, a bit too eagerly, "I mean, you can tell me how you are...if you want. Or you can tell me the reason. Or maybe the reason is to tell me how you are. I—"

My nervous rambling was cut off by a light scoff. I could feel Lucy grinning on the other end of the phone.

"Lauren." she simply said, and I could hear the humor in her voice now.

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