Chapter 38: Delicate

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October 24th, 2017

10:00 A.M.


I still couldn't believe how well Lauren had reacted to what I'd told her about the music video. I found it even harder to believe her reaction after she'd actually seen it. I had been so scared that she would've been angry and reacted like she had to 'I Know What You Did Last Summer', my collaboration with Shawn back in 2015.

But she didn't. This time around, despite knowing exactly what parts I had hidden our story in, she didn't seem to care. Granted, I hadn't exactly explained it in full to her, but still. She was absolutely nothing but supportive, complimenting the humor, the dancing, the art, and even me, saying:

L: And you look amazing in it🙊🙊

L: It's so you Camila

L: I love it and I love that you can express your story like this

L: I don't even give a fuck that I'm Juan/his evil twin bc it's so great

L: But actually there is something that's sort of bothering me

I knew it. I knew that it was too good to be true. There was no way Lauren's hot temper had diffused that much.

C: Stop stop too much praise😭💕

C: But thank youuuu☺️☺️

C: And what's that?

L: So I'm Juan and Roberto right

C: Right

C: I feel like an idiot

L: What wait why?

C: For telling you

C: It's embarrassing😞

L: No stop!!! Don't be embarrassed

L: No filter anymore remember?

L: Besides you don't think you've helped inspire some of our new stuff? Or my new stuff?

C: Your new stuff?

L: Spoiler alert

C: Omg Lauren WHAT

L: We'll talk about that later😜

L: POINT IS I'm Juan and Roberto

L: But why am I both

C: What do you mean

L: Why'd you split them in two?

Oh God. I should've known Lauren would be too perceptive to not ask questions. I already felt stupid enough even telling her she was involved, but if we were going to try out this new honesty thing, might as well dive in head first, right? I just wasn't sure if this pool was deep enough yet...

C: Telenovelas always have evil twins 😉

My decision had been made. I just couldn't tell her the truth; not all of it, at least. Especially not after she accused me of still being in love with her. This would make me sound crazy.

The truth was, I had split my love interest into two for a very specific reason: one was the Lauren I had actually gotten, and the other was the Lauren I never had.

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