👑 Chapter 37 👑

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Mariah's POV

It was finally my wedding day. Key was so impatient. He wanted to get married immediately. I didn't know whether to be aggravated because he was rushing things, or happy because he wanted us married now.

My stomach was a ball of nerves. I was so nauseated. I didn't have cold feet, I was just so excited. I wanted everything to be perfect.

All of the bridesmaids were dressed and ready to go. The theme was so perfect, I loved the contrast we created with the tan suits and the wine dresses.
My hands were so shaky, the girls had to help me put on my dress.

In this moment I felt like a princess. This is what fairytales are made of. Leya and Lacey made sure that my makeup was flawless.

I got up and took a look at myself in the full body mirror. It was too much. The dress was beautiful; it all just seemed so surreal. What if he changes his mind? What if it was all a joke? What if...

Leya grabbed my hand and turned me to face her. Lacey ushered everyone else out of the room. When it was just the three of us, they reached grabbed one of my hands and led me to a bench. We sat down and Leya asked, "What's going on inside that head of yours?"

"I'm just so nervous, what if this is a mistake?"

"Are you getting cold feet?"She asked.

"No, just, what if he decides that this isn't what he wanted? He could have any girl that he wants. Why should he settle down now?"

Lacey pinched me. I almost punched her in the face. "What the hell?"

"Rye, are you kidding me? Any guy would be lucky to have you. You are beautiful, smart, honest, compassionate and steadfast. If he lets you go, he's stupid."

"Lacey is right Rye. You are amazing and if anyone couldn't see that, then they don't deserve you. Plus, I know my brother, he doesn't take commitment lightly. I have never seen Markey happier than he has been since he met you. Sometimes being brave isn't the absence of fear, but looking fear in the eye and doing it anyway."

"Rye, do you love him?"

"Of course I love him Lace."

"Which is scarier getting married and finding out it wouldn't work or never finding out either way?"

"I don't know Leya. Both are pretty scary."

"If there was a chance for all of this to work out, wouldn't you at least want to try? Remember when we were getting ready to open the boutique? Remember how nervous I was. Your advice was..."

"If it's not scary, then it's not worth doing."

"So, is it scary enough to go through with?"

"With the two of you, nothing is too scary. I love you guys."

"We love you too, group hug." They screamed in unison.

Soon my dad was knocking on the door for Leya and Lacey; it was almost their turn to walk.

After they went through the doors my father pulled me to him. He clutched me close as if he never wanted to let me go. In that moment, everything became clear. It's okay to dream, but what is a dream without sacrifice?

I loved Key, so why was I so scared to take this next step? He was exactly the person I needed him to be. Yes, we argue sometimes, but that's what makes us human. There was nothing in this world that he would not do for me.

My dad released me from his embrace. His hands cradled my face as he asked, "Does he make you happy, truly happy?"

With tears in my eyes I responded, "More than I can even express, Daddy."

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