👑 Chapter 41 👑

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Mariah's POV

I woke up early the next morning. Leya and Lacey were already up. They were whispering at the table. When they noticed that I was awake, they stopped talking.

I tried to find out what they had been talking about, but they refused to discuss it. I would leave it alone for now, but I will make them tell me later.

Today was one of the rare days that Lacey and I had off from the shop. The girls began to talk about what we would do today. Leya's phone began to ring.

She answered and walked into the living room. Lacey and I discussed what we would have for breakfast. Leya returned to the kitchen with a worried look on her face.

"Hey, I need to go visit Ryleigh. Her parents died in a car accident last night. Her and her little sister will be home around 2. Would you guys mind helping me get a few things together for them?"

Lacey grabbed her purse and I grabbed mines. We all piled into my jeep and we hit the road. We pulled up at a nearby grocery store. We grabbed a few baskets and filled them up. I decided that we should cook a few dishes and store them in the freezer for a while. There also needed to be enough food to stock the fridge and pantry for a while.

Next we found a clothing store. I grabbed clothes for the little girl and I stuffed in a few unisex bodysuits. While I was in the store I pulled out my phone and looked at the latest gossip about the rich and famous.

As I was scrolling through the article, I saw a familiar face. There was a snapshot of Key and some female leaving a bar. Then there was another one where they were kissing.

I couldn't quite make out who the female was. We grabbed all the bags and headed back to the car. Leya and Lacey commented on how quiet I was for the rest of the car ride. When we got back to the house, I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I cried.

It hurt so bad. I never thought that he would do anything like this. When I showed them my phone, the just hugged me. Later the sadness turned to anger.

They tried to calm me down, but there was no stopping me. I grabbed my laptop and began searching for a new place.

They tried to talk me out of it, but my mind was made up. Soon it was time for Leya to go check on Ryleigh. Lacey tried to talk to me, but I could hardly focus.

"Lacey, I need a favor I said." I interrupted what she was saying. It was hella rude, but this couldn't wait.

"I can't stay here."

She opened her mouth to speak but I stopped her.

"I can't do this Lace. I haven't told anyone yet, but.... I'm pregnant. Things between Key and I have been strained lately. Maybe this is why. I need to get away and just sort my thoughts out. I can't stress myself out. For the sake of this little life growing inside of me, I have to pull myself together. I can't do that here."

She took a deep breath, and grabbed my hands.

"Whatever you decide, know that I am here for you. What will you do, where will you go?"

I gave her a sad smile and we began to work out the details. I decided that I was going to move to another state and open up a boutique. I would find the best doctors, and decide from there.

We talked a while longer and we even cried. I refused to be somewhere where I wasn't wanted. I refused to fight to make someone want me.

I went to my parents' house. I really needed to speak to my mom. When I walked inside it was instantly clear that she wasn't home. When my dad saw my face, he was livid.

"What happened?"

I told him and I could tell he was pissed. I told him that I wanted to move away. My mother walked in when he got really angry. He didn't want me to leave. My mother told him it was for the best. They decided that Chance would go with me.

My mother helped me find a doctor and my father and Chance went to pack my things.

In no time at all, I had purchased my new home. The next day my parents had the paperwork I needed for Chance. Lacey was there to say goodbye. Leya was there too, she tried to talk me out of leaving. She told me that she would have a talk with her brother, but I just couldn't stay. I told her I would stay on touch.

We boarded the plane and found our seats. I knew that Chance didn't particularly want to leave, but he wanted to protect me too. I vowed to make sure that he had some fun and to get him back here as soon as I could.

I told my parents about the pregnancy and they were ecstatic. That's why they insisted I bring Chance. He was more of a guard who reported directly to them.
The plane took off and our new life began.

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