On the bus

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I wonder what they think
I wonder how they feel
A place with no room and no air
Where you see people suffocating
Each on their phone, faced down
Not wanting to look up, not even for a moment
People close together like if their life depended on it
So close that not even a pencil could pierce threw them
No space and no room to move around
I see these people everyday
Yet I don't know their names
A bus full of strangers
Most know each other yet don't dare to sit together
Their are a lot of different types of people on this bus
You have the quite people where you notice them on their phone or staring awkwardly at others
You have the loud people were they are so loud that it sound like they want to yell across the bus
Then you have the anti- social person, who  don't speak and when someone tries to talk to them they don't respond, they just sit quietly awkwardly waiting to get off

With earphones in my ear and looking down at my phone
I'm like everybody else
All these familiar faces yet I don't dare to talk to them.
I choose to not talk to them
Right now in front of me is a person playing a game on their phone, he is so entertained that he won't take his eyes off it even though his friend was sitting right next to him.
Earphones is all you see in this bus, nothing else but that
I would say about 95% of these people have earphones on, including me of course
I know this girl well incorrect I don't know her, I seem her a lot and that count right
She's always reading a book, when I say always I really do mean always
Of course it's not a book more like an online book but it still counts
See she reads though and everyone else is playing games or on social media
Right beside me is my friend, he seems to be playing a game that had to do with the  drums
The more I think about it I have known  these people for more than a year
Usually some  people leave and new ones arrive
I don't know these people yet I could tell you what they do mostly every time their on the bus
I don't know them but I know where they get off every single time

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