Chapter One

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(Y/N) POV:




"Shut up! STUPID ALARM!!!" you groan as you hit the alarm clock. You sit up on your bed wiping the tiredness out of your eyes. You look at the time to see that your running late to get Naruto on time to the academy. "Oh Crap! Oh Crap! NARUTO WAKE UP!!!!" you yell as you make your way to his room trying to put your pants on while still making your way to his room.

You slam open the door to see Naruto still spread out all over his bed snoring so loud. "Naruto come wake up your going to be late to your first day at the academy!! Come on Naruto please wake up!" You start to tug at his feet pulling him off the bed. "OUCH!! WHAT THE HECK (Y/N)! Why did you do that for?!" Naruto grunts as he rubs his head after you dragged him out of his bed and him hitting his head on the floor. "Come on Naruto youre going to be late for your first day at the academy. Hurry up and get ready we over slept!" As you are walking out of his bedroom you hear him panicking getting all his stuff together and getting dressed.

You guys finally make your way to the academy running inside. When you get to his classroom you knock on the door softly. A man with a pony tail and who had burnet hair with a scar over his nose comes to answer the door. "You must be Naruto. Go take a seat over there" As he points to over to the desks where all the students are sitting. "Im so sorry hes late its totally my fault! I can explain when I come to pick him up later, so you can return to teaching your class. Again, Im soooooo sorry....." "Iruka, Iruka Umino" "Again Im sorry. My name is (Y/N) (L/N)" You state as you bow respectfully. A faint blush comes across Irukas cheeks as you keep apologizing repeatedly.

Iruka POV

As (Y/N) leaves me to teach my class I start to think, "Wow (Y/N) is so cute. I would love to get to know her better if I get the chance." Shaking my thoughts away I begin to teach the class.


As I left the academy, I was so embarrassed because not only did I make Naruto late for his first day to class, but I was blushing so hard at the sight of Iruka. "He is a very attractive man." "Who is??" a deep voice says behind me and scares me half to death, but I recognize the voice and turn to see none other than Kakashi Hatake. "Hatake you idiot you scared me half to death! What the heck is your problem!" you start to yell at him as you hit his arm. "Ouch! Come on (Y/N) you didnt have to hit me." Kakashi sates as he gives me a pout that you can see behind his signature mask. "Come on now spill the beans who do you think is cute?" the silver jonin ask curiously. "None of your business." You state with a slight blush appearing on your cheeks. Before you knew you where at your apartment already not noticing since you were talking with Kakashi the whole time.

You begin to open your apartment door letting yourself in and Kakashi in. He throws himself on your couch and starts asking questions, "Come on tell me who is the mystery man you are crushing on? Please (Y/N) tell me! As your older brother you have to tell me" "ugh fine Ill tell you if you promise to stop asking." You state annoyed. "ok!! I promise." Kakashi states before patting the seat next to him so you can sit and spill the tea. "Its Narutos sensei Iruka" you say in a whisper tone. "Im sorry who? Can you please speak up?" Kakashi states with a little laugh. "I know damn well you heard me!!" you state annoyed. "wow who would have known that (Y/N) would like such a pervert" Kakashi states while laughing. "your one to talk your always reading those books of porn!" you yell back at him. "you like those books to, so I dont know why your giving me shit for liking those books." The silver jonin states. You turn a dark shade of red after hearing him call you out like that. Kakashi is like an older brother to you because he was there for you when your parents died, and he took you under his wings and trained you to become the strong ninja you are today. You and Kakashi talk for so long that you look over at the clock and notice the time. "Oh Crap. I have to go to pick up Naruto and explain to Iruka why we where late this morning" you tell Kakashi as you start to walk to your door. You turn around and ask Kakashi "can you please come with me so while I talk to Iruka you can take Naruto with you and go get some ramen and I will meet you guys there please?!" He hums a "mhm" meaning yes.

You get to the academy making your way to the classroom with Kakashi right by your side. You start to see all the kids come out of the class and Iruka looks your way and gestures you to come in. "Hello Iruka, hi kid" you tell Naruto as you ruffle the blonde kids hair. "Naruto go with Kakashi and I will meet you guys and the ramen shop after Im done here ok?" you state looking at the blonde kid. "OK!" he says so excitedly. As Naruto and Kakashi make there way out of the classroom you sit down in front of Irukas desk and begin to explain why you brought Naruto so late to class. "again, Iruka Im so sorry for brining him late to class!" you begin to sate to him. "It's ok (Y/N) I understand its the first day and it can be really crazy." He states reassuring you that it was really no problem. He then begins to start asking a question, "If you dont mind me asking (Y/N). How are related to Naruto?" "Old man hokage asked me to watch over him once I reached jonin level. So, I took him in and got really close to the kid you know. Hes like my little brother now I love this kid so much!" You tell Iruka. Iruka noticing how much you really cared for the kid made him blush a little and you noticed he was blushing, and you began to blush as well. "Well considering we already talked this through. You can go and meet up with Naruto and Kakashi" he tells you while giving a sweet smile. "thank you Iruka" you state also returning the smile while blush a darker red than before.

--------TIME SKIP--------

You arrive at the ramen shop and take a seat next to Naruto. Naruto looking at you with a goofy grin he begins saying "Big sister (Y/N) has a crush on my sensei!" you right away look at Kakashi giving him a death glare. "seriously Kakashi why would you tell him??!!" "Because youre my little sister and it funny to make fun of you sometimes. You should see the look on your face" he sates in between laughter.


A/N: hi to who ever is reading this. Ummm so like I just started writing this because I was bored and well yea lol. Umm well I hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter of my Iruka x reader. Let me know how you guys like it. You guys can always tell me what I should do with the story like give me future ideas and stuff like that. Alright well I will talk to you guys later. XD

P.S: this is my first time writing something like this sooo please go easy one me lol. 😊

This was basically you trying to get naruto ready for school 😂😂

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