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A/N ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO'VE READ THE UNEDITED VERSION. IF YOU HAVENT READ IT, DONT READ THIS. THERE ARE SPOILERS: I will be reading your comments on that one. But I do have to continue writing this, so for now they'll only be friends.

Draco, 4:00 P.M.: is Hermione gay?

Harry: yeah

Harry: I meant no. That was a weird typo.

Harry: but yeah, she's a lesbian. is this related to whoever's been texting her?

Draco: ???

Draco: what'd she say?

Harry: idk if I should say.

Draco: you just outed your friend. Don't get all ethical on me now.

Harry: a girls been texting her and she's just been into it, I guess.
Read: 5:47 P.M.
word count: 122.

Question of the day: What's your otp? (can be for any fandom.) Comment your answer.

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