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Hermione, 3:04 P.M.: This girl is definitely in my photography. She texted me today right after I tripped about how I tripped. At first I thought maybe she had a friend in the class who told her, but the more and more I thought about it, her text was too immediate. It was within at least a minute of me falling so I just don't think she'd get news of it that quickly. And why would her friend find it important enough to tell her? Like what the fuck.

Harry: honey, you're overthinking. she's probably in your photography. and good for u, because u always talk to me about how how u think everyone in ur photography is.

Harry: +++ it limits options of who it could be

Hermione: Sometimes, you're smart.

Harry: <3

Hermione: <3

Hermione: no homo though

Harry: so, if it is a girl in your photography, who would you want it to be?

Hermione: I guess either Elizabeth Michaels, Kimmie Le, or Pansy Parkinson.

Harry: Elizabeth is definitely straight, I don't know who Kimmie is, and Pansy hates you, last time I checked.

Hermione: Just because some is straight or hates me doesn't make them less attractive.

Harry: you confuse me
Read: 3:11 P.M.
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