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Unknown: did you block me

delivered: 2:03 p.m.

Unknown: ok, so, you didnt?

Hermione: Sorry, I was dealing with some shit.

Unknown: u ok?

Hermione: I am now.

Unknown: if you dont mind me asking, what happened?

Unknown: is it because of me? it happened right after our conversations

Hermione: To answer your question, yes, you happen to be part of the reason that I was breaking down. It wasn't really your fault though. Personal issues, you know?

Unknown: u can talk to me.

Hermione: Should I be trusting a stranger with this kind of information?

Unknown: No, I mean, i wouldnt. i guess i shouldnt be saying that, though.

Hermione: Then I won't say anything. Maybe if I am to find out your identity, I will. But for now, I simply mustn't tell you anything I can't be sure I can trust you with.

Unknown: well, the offer still stands. If you ever need anything, i'll be here.

Hermione: Thank you, stranger.

word count: 156.

Question of the day: (Respectfully) what is your least favorite Harry Potter ship? Comment your answer.

UNKNOWN ID (pansmione) [girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now