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Hermione: Can I ask you something?

Unknown: mhm.

Hermione: Why in every conversation we have do you always attempt to fluster me?

Unknown: I don't try to fluster you, baby, i DO fluster you

Hermione: See! Like that! Why do you do that?

Unknown: I like seeing you flustered.

Hermione: but you cant even see me.

Unknown: its the principle of the thing. i know that it makes you flustered and just envisioning it makes me feel... good?

Hermione: There's a word to describe people like you.

Hermione: Sadists, they're called.

Unknown: ;)


Word count: 85 words.

Question of the day: Do you prefer coffee or tea? Comment your answer. I personally prefer tea, as I practically live off of it.

UNKNOWN ID (pansmione) [girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now