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Hermione, 8:02 P.M.: Harry was no help, so now I'm talking to you. Do you ever just feel so lonely?

Ron: is this your way of saying you want to get back together?

Ron: are you not a lesbian anymore?

Hermione: Trust me, after dating you, I'm positive I'm a lesbian

Ron: ouch

Hermione: I'm just asking on a level of relatability, not to suggest anything.

Ron: I guess, sometimes. That's human, isn't it? Most of us are either looking for someone to fill our emptiness or have someone who already fills it.

Hermione: that's actually kind of deep, are you feeling ok? Have you been possessed?

Ron: Just saying.

Hermione: I want a girlfriend

Ron: I'm right here ;)

Hermione: Ok that's my queue to leave
Read: 8:32 P.M.

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